


我想向非 React 站点添加一个 React 组件、一个评论功能.

I want to add a react component, a comments feature, to a non-react site.

该网站有一个无限滚动的新闻页面.在每个新闻故事下,我想包括反应评论组件.我计划在此处的 FB 教程之后对其进行建模:http://facebook.github.io/react/docs/tutorial.html

The site has a news page with infinite scrolling. Under each news story I want to include the react comments component. I plan to model it after the FB tutorial here: http://facebook.github.io/react/docs/tutorial.html

我的问题是,如何将每个 React 组件动态挂载到 DOM 故事元素?基本上,我希望有许多相同的 React 评论组件实例,但每个实例都与一个独特的故事 (div) 相关联.

My question is, how do I dynamically mount each React component to a DOM story element? Basically, I want to have many instances of the same react comments component, but with each instance tied to a unique story (div).


I think I need to render the react component on the server side, where I can dynamically set the React.renderComponent. Any pointers/examples appreciated.


当添加帖子时,您需要拥有您的数据和目标 dom 节点(我们将这些变量称为 data 和 el)

When the post is added you need to have your data and the target dom node (we'll call these variables data and el)

React.render(<MyComponent data={data} />, el);

或者没有 JSX

React.render(React.createElement(MyComponent, {data: data}), el);




For server side rendering you can do:

React.renderToString(React.createElement(MyComponent, {data: data}))

只要结果在客户端上以 el 结尾,你就可以用上面提到的 React.render 挂载它.

and as long as the result of that ends up as el on the client, you can mount it with React.render as mentioned above.



09-06 14:12