我尝试运行一个使用 ctypes 从库中获取函数的 Python 代码示例.该示例可以在此处找到.我按照说明进行操作,除了一个小的修改外,我还使用了完全相同的代码.我一直在尝试在 Windows 10(64 位)、python 3.7(64 位)上运行它,但收到此错误消息:
回溯(最近一次调用最后一次): 中的文件C:/Users/gifr9302/PycharmProjects/testpytoc/myfunc.py",第 128 行libmyfunc = npct.load_library('myfunc.dll', os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))文件C:Usersgifr9302AppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython37libsite-packages
umpyctypeslib.py",第 152 行,在 load_library返回 ctypes.cdll[libpath]文件C:Usersgifr9302AppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython37libctypes\__init__.py",第 431 行,在 __getitem__返回 getattr(self, name)文件C:Usersgifr9302AppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython37libctypes\__init__.py",第 426 行,在 __getattr__ 中dll = self._dlltype(name)文件C:Usersgifr9302AppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython37libctypes\__init__.py",第 356 行,在 __init__ 中self._handle = _dlopen(self._name, mode)OSError: [WinError 193] %1 n'est pas une application Win32 valide
OSError: [WinError 193] %1 不是有效的 Win32 应用程序
我尝试创建一个 dll 而不是 so 文件,但仍然遇到相同的错误.它似乎试图在 64 位系统上运行 32 位应用程序,但我不知道为什么.有人可以帮忙吗?
提及[Python.Docs]: ctypes - Python 的外部函数库(虽然这与它没有太大关系)以防万一.
根本错误是ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT(193,0xC1).在 [MS.文档]:系统错误代码 (0-499).这是一个一般Win错误(与Python无关).在当前情况下(与 Python 相关),异常是一个 (Python) 包装器.
错误消息令人困惑(尤其是因为 %1 占位符).有关更多详细信息,请查看 [SO]:为什么在%1 不是有效的 Win32 应用程序"中很少替换 %1..
当 Win 尝试加载它认为是可执行的 (PE) 映像(.exe、.dll, ...),但实际上不是.遇到这种情况的情况有很多种(Google搜索错误,会产生很多结果).
从文件加载图像时发生这种情况的可能原因有很多(存在且可读,否则错误会有所不同 - 查看答案结尾处的一个项目符号):
- 已下载,下载不完整
- 被(错误地)覆盖(或搞砸了)
- 由于文件系统问题而损坏
- 还有很多
2 个主要用例导致此错误:
- 试图运行一个不是 .exe 的文件([SO]: OSError: [WinError 193] %1 不是有效的 Win32 应用程序)
- 尝试在进程(运行 .exe)中加载 .dll.这是我要重点关注的一个
下面是一个尝试加载 .dll 的虚拟可执行文件的示例.
#include #include int main(){DWORD gle = 0;HMODULE hMod = LoadLibraryA(.\dll00.dll");如果(hMod == NULL){gle = GetLastError();printf("LoadLibrary failed: %d (0x%08X)
", gle, gle);} 别的 {自由图书馆(hMod);}返回 gle;}
- 注意:我会重复使用这个cmd控制台,即使复制/粘贴片段会分散在答案中
[cfati@CFATI-5510-0:e:WorkDevStackOverflowq057187566]>蝙蝠### 设置更短的提示以更好地适合粘贴到 StackOverflow(或其他)页面中###[提示]>:: 为 064 位构建[提示]>c:Installpc032MicrosoftVisualStudioCommunity2017VCAuxiliaryBuildvcvarsall.bat"x64 >空[提示]>目录/b代码00.pydll00_v0.cmain00.c[提示]>cl/nologo main00.c/link/NOLOGO/OUT:main00_064.exemain00.c[提示]>:: 创建无效的 .dll[提示]>回声垃圾>dll00.dll[提示]>目录/b代码00.pydll00.dlldll00_v0.cmain00.cmain00.objmain00_064.exe[提示]>main00_064.exeLoadLibrary 失败:193 (0x000000C1)
正如所见,我创建了一个包含文本垃圾"的文件 dll00.dll,所以它是一个 .dll 文件无效内容.
- 064bit 进程试图加载 032bit .dll
- 032bit 进程试图加载 064bit .dll
在以上两种情况中的任何一种情况下,即使 .dll 包含一个有效的图像(对于不同的架构),从当前进程 PoV 来看它仍然是无效的.为了OK,涉及的2个CPU架构必须匹配 .
2.Python 上下文
CTypes 在加载 .dll 时做同样的事情:它调用 [MS.Docs]:.dll 名称上的 LoadLibraryW 函数.
因此,这与 CTypes 尝试加载 .dll 的 Python 进程完全相同.
#!/usr/bin/env python3导入系统导入操作系统将 ctypes 导入为 ctDLL_BASE_NAME = "dll00";def main(*argv):dll_name = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), (argv[0] if argv else DLL_BASE_NAME) + ".dll")打印(正在尝试加载:[{0:s}]".格式(dll_name))dll00 = ct.CDLL(dll_name)func00 = dll00.dll00Func00func00.restype = ct.c_intres = func00()打印({0:s} 返回 {1:d}".format(func00.__name__, res))如果 __name__ == __main__":打印(Python {0:s} {1:03d}bit on {2:s}
".format(.join(item.strip() for item in sys.version.split(";
")),64 如果 sys.maxsize >0x100000000 否则 32, sys.platform))rc = main(*sys.argv[1:])打印(
[提示]>:: dll00.dll 仍然包含垃圾[提示]>[提示]>[提示]>e:WorkDevVEnvspy_pc064_03.07.09_test0Scriptspython.exe"代码00.pyPython 3.7.9 (tags/v3.7.9:13c94747c7, Aug 17 2020, 18:58:18) [MSC v.1900 64 位 (AMD64)] 064 位在 win32 上正在尝试加载:[e:WorkDevStackOverflowq057187566dll00.dll]回溯(最近一次调用最后一次):文件code00.py",第 25 行,在 <module> 中.rc = main(*sys.argv[1:])文件code00.py",第 14 行,在主目录中dll00 = ct.CDLL(dll_name)文件c:Installpc064PythonPython 3.07.09libctypes\__init__.py",第 364 行,在 __init__ 中self._handle = _dlopen(self._name, mode)OSError: [WinError 193] %1 不是有效的 Win32 应用程序
这是 (#1) 的示例,它尝试了所有 4 种组合.
#include #如果已定义(_WIN32)# 定义 DLL00_EXPORT_API __declspec(dllexport)#别的# 定义 DLL00_EXPORT_API#万一DLL00_EXPORT_API size_t dll00Func00(){返回大小(空*);}
[提示]>:: 仍在从之前的 vcvarsall 调用中构建 064 位[提示]>[提示]>cl/nologo/DDLL dll00_v0.c/link/NOLOGO/DLL/OUT:dll00_064.dlldll00_v0.c创建库 dll00_064.lib 和对象 dll00_064.exp[提示]>[提示]>:: 为 032 位构建[提示]>c:Installpc032MicrosoftVisualStudioCommunity2017VCAuxiliaryBuildvcvarsall.bat"x86**************************************************************************** Visual Studio 2017 开发人员命令提示符 v15.9.40** 版权所有 (c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation**************************************************************************[vcvarsall.bat] 环境初始化为:'x86'[提示]>cl/nologo/DDLL dll00_v0.c/link/NOLOGO/DLL/OUT:dll00_032.dlldll00_v0.c创建库 dll00_032.lib 和对象 dll00_032.exp[提示]>目录/b *.dlldll00.dlldll00_032.dlldll00_064.dll[提示]>[提示]>:: Python 064位[提示]>[提示]>e:WorkDevVEnvspy_pc064_03.07.09_test0Scriptspython.exe"code00.py dll00_064Python 3.7.9 (tags/v3.7.9:13c94747c7, Aug 17 2020, 18:58:18) [MSC v.1900 64 位 (AMD64)] 064 位在 win32 上正在尝试加载:[e:WorkDevStackOverflowq057187566dll00_064.dll]dll00Func00 返回 8完毕.[提示]>[提示]>e:WorkDevVEnvspy_pc064_03.07.09_test0Scriptspython.exe"code00.py dll00_032Python 3.7.9 (tags/v3.7.9:13c94747c7, Aug 17 2020, 18:58:18) [MSC v.1900 64 位 (AMD64)] 064 位在 win32 上正在尝试加载:[e:WorkDevStackOverflowq057187566dll00_032.dll]回溯(最近一次调用最后一次):文件code00.py",第 25 行,在 <module> 中.rc = main(*sys.argv[1:])文件code00.py",第 14 行,在主目录中dll00 = ct.CDLL(dll_name)文件c:Installpc064PythonPython 3.07.09libctypes\__init__.py",第 364 行,在 __init__ 中self._handle = _dlopen(self._name, mode)OSError: [WinError 193] %1 不是有效的 Win32 应用程序[提示]>[提示]>:: Python 032位[提示]>[提示]>e:WorkDevVEnvspy_pc032_03.07.09_test0Scriptspython.exe"code00.py dll00_032Python 3.7.9 (tags/v3.7.9:13c94747c7, Aug 17 2020, 18:01:55) [MSC v.1900 32 位(英特尔)] 032 位在 win32 上正在尝试加载:[e:WorkDevStackOverflowq057187566dll00_032.dll]dll00Func00 返回 4完毕.[提示]>[提示]>e:WorkDevVEnvspy_pc032_03.07.09_test0Scriptspython.exe"code00.py dll00_064Python 3.7.9 (tags/v3.7.9:13c94747c7, Aug 17 2020, 18:01:55) [MSC v.1900 32 位(英特尔)] 032 位在 win32 上正在尝试加载:[e:WorkDevStackOverflowq057187566dll00_064.dll]回溯(最近一次调用最后一次):文件code00.py",第 25 行,在 <module> 中.rc = main(*sys.argv[1:])文件code00.py",第 14 行,在主目录中dll00 = ct.CDLL(dll_name)文件c:Installpc032PythonPython 3.07.09libctypes\__init__.py",第 364 行,在 __init__ 中self._handle = _dlopen(self._name, mode)OSError: [WinError 193] %1 不是有效的 Win32 应用程序
在上面的示例中,.dll 是按需"加载的.通过显式调用LoadLibrary(或LoadLibraryEx).
另一种情况是 .exe 或 .dll 依赖(链接)另一个 .dll,并自动加载它当自身被加载时(尽管我几乎可以肯定 LoadLibrary - 或者可能是一个较低级别的函数 - 在依赖 .dll 的引擎盖下被自动调用).
#if defined(_WIN32)# 如果定义(DLL01_EXPORTS)# 定义 DLL01_EXPORT_API __declspec(dllexport)# 别的# 定义 DLL01_EXPORT_API __declspec(dllimport)# 万一#别的# 定义 DLL01_EXPORT_API#万一DLL01_EXPORT_API 无效 dll01Func00();
#include #define DLL01_EXPORTS#include "dll01.h";无效 dll01Func00(){printf("在 [%s]
", __FUNCTION__);}
#include #如果已定义(_WIN32)# 定义 DLL00_EXPORT_API __declspec(dllexport)#别的# 定义 DLL00_EXPORT_API#万一#include "dll01.h";DLL00_EXPORT_API size_t dll00Func00(){dll01Func00();返回大小(空*);}
[提示]>:: 仍在为之前的 vcvarsall 调用构建 032 位[提示]>[提示]>cl/nologo/DDLL dll01.c/link/NOLOGO/DLL/OUT:dll01_032.dlldll01.c创建库 dll01_032.lib 和对象 dll01_032.exp[提示]>cl/nologo/DDLL dll00_v1.c/link/NOLOGO/DLL/OUT:dll00_032.dlldll00_v1.c创建库 dll00_032.lib 和对象 dll00_032.expdll00_v1.obj:错误 LNK2019:未解析的外部符号 __imp__dll01Func00 在函数 _dll00Func00 中引用dll00_032.dll:致命错误 LNK1120:1 个未解析的外部[提示]>[提示]>cl/nologo/DDLL dll00_v1.c/link/NOLOGO/DLL/OUT:dll00_032.dll dll01_032.libdll00_v1.c创建库 dll00_032.lib 和对象 dll00_032.exp[提示]>[提示]>e:WorkDevVEnvspy_pc032_03.07.09_test0Scriptspython.exe"code00.py dll00_032Python 3.7.9 (tags/v3.7.9:13c94747c7, Aug 17 2020, 18:01:55) [MSC v.1900 32 位(英特尔)] 032 位在 win32 上正在尝试加载:[e:WorkDevStackOverflowq057187566dll00_032.dll]在 [dll01Func00]dll00Func00 返回 4完毕.[提示]>:: 搞砸 dll01_032.dll[提示]>回声垃圾>dll01_032.dll[提示]>e:WorkDevVEnvspy_pc032_03.07.09_test0Scriptspython.exe"code00.py dll00_032Python 3.7.9 (tags/v3.7.9:13c94747c7, Aug 17 2020, 18:01:55) [MSC v.1900 32 位(英特尔)] 032 位在 win32 上正在尝试加载:[e:WorkDevStackOverflowq057187566dll00_032.dll]回溯(最近一次调用最后一次):文件code00.py",第 25 行,在 <module> 中.rc = main(*sys.argv[1:])文件code00.py",第 14 行,在主目录中dll00 = ct.CDLL(dll_name)文件c:Installpc032PythonPython 3.07.09libctypes\__init__.py",第 364 行,在 __init__ 中self._handle = _dlopen(self._name, mode)OSError: [WinError 193] %1 不是有效的 Win32 应用程序
- 在上面的示例中,错误发生在正在加载的 .dll 或其直接依赖项之一(间接级别 1)中.不难发现多次应用相同的原则,行为不会改变,因此它对任何级别的间接都是有效的.
想象一个 .dll 依赖于其他几个 .dll ,而其中的每一个又依赖于其他几个,依此类推.......这称为依赖树.因此,无论在树中的哪个位置发生此错误,它都会向上传播到根节点(即 .dll) - 依赖树传播也适用于其他错误.另一个广泛遇到的是ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND(126,0x7E).这意味着没有找到具有指定名称的 .dll(重述:或它(递归)依赖的任何其他 .dll).
作为旁注,要检查 .dll(或 .exe)依赖项,请使用 Dependency Walker(较新的[GitHub]:lucasg/Dependenciesa>) 或 dumpbin(VStudio 安装的一部分),或者事实上,任何能够获取 PE 依赖信息的工具 - 讨论的所有内容也适用:
- 如果 .dll 是正在导入的扩展模块 (.pyd)
- 如果 .dll 由于导入另一个模块而被加载
- 讨论的所有内容也适用于 Nix 系统,错误(和相应的消息)明显不同
I have tried to run an exemple of a python code that gets a function from a library using ctypes. The exemple can be found here. I followed the instruction and beside one minor modification, I have used the exact same code. I have been trying to run this on Windows 10 (64-bit), python 3.7 (64-bit) but got this error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/gifr9302/PycharmProjects/testpytoc/myfunc.py", line 128, in <module>
libmyfunc = npct.load_library('myfunc.dll', os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
File "C:Usersgifr9302AppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython37libsite-packages
umpyctypeslib.py", line 152, in load_library
return ctypes.cdll[libpath]
File "C:Usersgifr9302AppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython37libctypes\__init__.py", line 431, in __getitem__
return getattr(self, name)
File "C:Usersgifr9302AppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython37libctypes\__init__.py", line 426, in __getattr__
dll = self._dlltype(name)
File "C:Usersgifr9302AppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython37libctypes\__init__.py", line 356, in __init__
self._handle = _dlopen(self._name, mode)
OSError: [WinError 193] %1 n’est pas une application Win32 valide
OSError: [WinError 193] %1 is not a valid Win32 application
I have tried to create a dll instead of a so file and still got the same error. It would seem it tries to run a 32-bit application on a 64-bit system but I'm not sure why. Can anyone help?
Mentioning [Python.Docs]: ctypes - A foreign function library for Python (although this doesn't have very much to do with it) just in case.
The underlying error is ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT (193, 0xC1). Check it in [MS.Docs]: System Error Codes (0-499). It's a general Win error (not related to Python). In the current case (related to Python), the exception is a (Python) wrapper over it.
1. The error
The error message is confusing (especially because of %1 placeholder). For more details on that, check [SO]: Why is %1 rarely substituted in "%1 is not a valid Win32 application.".
This error occurs when Win tries to load what it thinks it's an executable (PE) image (.exe, .dll, ...), but it actually isn't. There's a variety of situations when this is encountered (Googleing the error, would yield lots of results).
There are a bunch of possible reasons for this to happen when the image is loaded from a file (existing and readable, otherwise the error would differ - look at one of the bullets at the answer end):
- Was downloaded and the download is incomplete
- Was (mistakenly) overwritten (or messed up with)
- Is corrupt because of filesystem problem
- Many many more
2 main usecases lead to this error:
- Attempting to run a file which is not an .exe ([SO]: OSError: [WinError 193] %1 is not a valid Win32 application)
- Trying to load a .dll in a process (running .exe). This is the one that I'm going to focus on
Below, it's an example of a dummy executable attempting to load a .dll.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Windows.h>
int main()
DWORD gle = 0;
HMODULE hMod = LoadLibraryA(".\dll00.dll");
if (hMod == NULL) {
gle = GetLastError();
printf("LoadLibrary failed: %d (0x%08X)
", gle, gle);
} else {
return gle;
- Note: I'll be reusing this cmd console, even if the copy / paste snippets will be scattered across the answer
As seen, I created a file dll00.dll containing the text "garbage", so it's a .dll file with invalid contents.
The most common case for this error, is an architecture mismatch:
- 064bit process attempting to load a 032bit .dll
- 032bit process attempting to load a 064bit .dll
In any of the above 2 cases, even if the .dll contains a valid image (for a different architecture), it's still invalid from the current process PoV. For things to run OK, the 2 involved CPU architectures must match .
2. Python context
CTypes does the same thing when loading a .dll: it calls [MS.Docs]: LoadLibraryW function on the .dll name.
So this is the exact same case for the Python process where CTypes tries to load the .dll in.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import os
import ctypes as ct
DLL_BASE_NAME = "dll00"
def main(*argv):
dll_name = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), (argv[0] if argv else DLL_BASE_NAME) + ".dll")
print("Attempting to load: [{0:s}]".format(dll_name))
dll00 = ct.CDLL(dll_name)
func00 = dll00.dll00Func00
func00.restype = ct.c_int
res = func00()
print("{0:s} returned {1:d}".format(func00.__name__, res))
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Python {0:s} {1:03d}bit on {2:s}
".format(" ".join(item.strip() for item in sys.version.split("
64 if sys.maxsize > 0x100000000 else 32, sys.platform))
rc = main(*sys.argv[1:])
Here's an example for (#1) , which attempts all 4 combinations.
#include <inttypes.h>
#if defined(_WIN32)
# define DLL00_EXPORT_API __declspec(dllexport)
# define DLL00_EXPORT_API
DLL00_EXPORT_API size_t dll00Func00()
return sizeof(void*);
3. Bonus
In the above examples, the .dll was loaded "on demand" by explicitly calling LoadLibrary (or LoadLibraryEx).
The other case is when a .exe or .dll depends on (was linked against) another .dll, and loads it automatically when itself is being loaded (although I'm almost certain that LoadLibrary - or maybe a lower level function - is automatically called under the hood on the dependent .dll).
In the example below, dll00*.dll depends on dll01*.dll.
Only exemplifying for 032bit (as this is the current build environment set by previous operation).
#if defined(_WIN32)
# if defined(DLL01_EXPORTS)
# define DLL01_EXPORT_API __declspec(dllexport)
# else
# define DLL01_EXPORT_API __declspec(dllimport)
# endif
# define DLL01_EXPORT_API
DLL01_EXPORT_API void dll01Func00();
#include <stdio.h>
#define DLL01_EXPORTS
#include "dll01.h"
void dll01Func00()
printf("In [%s]
", __FUNCTION__);
dll00_v1.c: (modified dll00_v0.c):
#include <inttypes.h>
#if defined(_WIN32)
# define DLL00_EXPORT_API __declspec(dllexport)
# define DLL00_EXPORT_API
#include "dll01.h"
DLL00_EXPORT_API size_t dll00Func00()
return sizeof(void*);
Stating the obvious: Same error would occur if instead of writing garbage data into dll01_032.dll, I would have build it for 064bit, but I chose this variant as it's shorter.
4. Conclusions
Everything that I'll state in each of the next bullets, also applies to the ones that follow it.
- In the examples above, the error occurred when the corruption was in the very .dll being loaded, or in one of its direct dependents (level 1 of indirection). It's not hard to figure out that applying the same principle multiple times, the behavior wouldn't change, so it's valid for any level of indirection.
Imagine a .dll that depends on several other .dlls, and each of those depends in turn on several others, and so on ... . That is called a dependency tree. So no matter where in the tree this error will occur, it will be propagated up to the root node (which is the .dll) - The dependency tree propagation applies to other errors as well. Another one that it's widely encountered is ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND (126, 0x7E). It means that the .dll with the specified name (restating: or any other .dll that it (recursively) depends on) was not found.
As a side note, in order to check a .dll (or .exe) dependencies, use Dependency Walker (newer [GitHub]: lucasg/Dependencies) or dumpbin (part of VStudio installation), or as a matter of fact, any tool that is capable of getting PE dependency information - Everything discussed also applies:
- If the .dll is an extension module (.pyd) that is being imported
- If the .dll is being loaded as a result of another module being imported
- Everything discussed also applies to Nix systems, the errors (and corresponding messages), obviously differ
这篇关于Python Ctypes - 加载 dll 引发 OSError: [WinError 193] %1 不是有效的 Win32 应用程序的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!