


I’m currently developing a script using the python script editor in Rhino. As I’m currently working in a Windows machine, the script editor uses IronPython as language.

在同一脚本中,我想与FE软件(Straus7)进行交互具有Python API。这样做时,我遇到了一些问题,因为ctypes模块在IronPython中似乎无法像在常规Python 中那样工作。特别是,在使用以下命令初始化数组时发现了问题:

In the same script, I want to interact with an FE software (Straus7) which has a Python API. When doing so, I have experienced some problems as the ctypes module does not seem to work in IronPython the same way it does in regular Python. Especially, I’m finding problems when initializing arrays using the command:



For example, if I want to obtain the XYZ coordinates of a node #1 in the FE model, I regular Python I would write the following:

XYZType = ctypes.c_double*3
XYZ = XYZType()
node_num = 1


And this returns me a variable XYZ which is a 3D array such that:

XYZ -> <straus_userfunctions.c_double_Array_3 at 0xc5787b0>
XYZ[0] = -0.7xxxxx -> (X_coord)
XYZ[1] = -0.8xxxxx -> (Y_coord)
XYZ[2] = -0.9xxxxx -> (Z_coord)

另一方面,我在 IronPython中复制了相同的脚本,出现以下错误消息

On the other side, I copy the same exact script in IronPython, the following error message appears

Message: expected c_double, got c_double_Array_3


Obviously, If I change the variable XYZ to c_double; then it becomes a double variable which contains only a single entry, which corresponds to the first element of the array (in this case, the X-coordinate)


This situation is quite annoying as all FEM softwares, the usage of matrices and arrays is widely used. Consequently, I wanted to ask if anyone nows a simple fix to this situation.


I was thinking of using the memory allocation of the first element of the array to obtain the rest but I’m not so sure how to do so.

非常感谢。 Gerard

Thanks a lot. Gerard


我发现在使用IronPython时,您需要将三双数组显式转换为指针加倍。因此,如果您将草with与Strand7 / Straus7 API结合使用,则需要添加如下代码:

I've found when working with IronPython you need to explicitly cast the "Array of three doubles" to a "Pointer to double". So if you're using Grasshopper with the Strand7 / Straus7 API you will need to add an extra bit like this:

import St7API
import ctypes

# Make the pointer conversion functions
PI = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_long)
PD = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)

XYZType = ctypes.c_double*3
XYZ = XYZType()
node_num = 1

# Cast arrays whenever you pass them to St7API from IronPython
St7API.St7GetNodeXYZ(1, node_num, PD(XYZ))

我没有访问权限到IronPython或Strand7 / Straus7,但是从内存中可以做到。如果这对您不起作用,您可以给Strand7支持发送电子邮件-通常,您会在一天左右的时间内收到有关此类信息的反馈。

I don't have access to IronPython or Strand7 / Straus7 at the moment but from memory that will do it. If that doesn't work for you you can email Strand7 Support - you would typically get feedback on something like this within a day or so.


07-25 05:53