I have a struct in a dll that only contains function pointers (ie a vtable) that I would like to interact with in python (for test purposes). I am having a bit of trouble working out how to do this using ctypes.
struct ITest
virtual char const *__cdecl GetName() = 0;
virtual void __cdecl SetName(char const *name) = 0;
/* Factory function to create 'real' Test object */
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) struct ITest * CALLCONV make_Test(char const * name);
A 'real' Test object will fill in the struct as appropriate. This gets compiled into a DLL (test.dll). I'd like, in python, to be able to call the factory method to get back a pointer to my Test struct and then call the function pointers contained in the struct, but I just can't seem to get my head around how it would work using ctypes. Does anyone have any pointers / examples of doing something similar or should I be using something like SWIG or Boost?
Something like this should be a good starting point (I don't have your DLL compiled to test)
from ctypes import Structure, CFUNCTYPE, POINTER, c_char_p, windll
class ITest(Structure):
_fields_ = [
('GetName', CFUNCTYPE(c_char_p)),
('SetName', CFUNCTYPE(None, c_char_p)
test = windll.LoadLibrary('test.dll')
test.make_Test.restype = POINTER(ITest)
之后,您需要调用make_Test( )以获取结构,然后尝试调用函数。
After this, you'll need to call make_Test() to get the struct, and try calling the functions. Perhaps with code like this:
itest = test.make_Test().contents
print itest.GetName()
Provide the dll or test and give me your results and I can help more if you still have problems.