本文介绍了如何添加指南针语法支持到Jetbrains PhpStorm?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我使用的是JetBrains PhpStorm,这可能是我用过的最史诗的IDE。

I'm using JetBrains PhpStorm, which is probably the most epic IDE I've ever used.


The question is simple. How do I add Compass syntax support to it? I've got it installed, it renders and works, but PhpStorm still complains about undefined imports and mixins.


How can I resolve this? Can Compass be included as an external library?

编辑:我只想请注意, 适用于RubyMine IDE(也由JetBrains提供),它的不是为PhpStorm / WebStorm。

Edit: I'd just like to note that this feature request is for the RubyMine IDE (also by JetBrains), it's not for PhpStorm/WebStorm.



It's explanation of Martin's answer.Symlink to compass gem directory in your sass folder works great.



  1. 使用管理员权限打开cmd

  2. 更改项目sass文件夹的路径,例如 cd projectname\sass

  3. 运行 mklink / d compass $ GEM_LOCATION\frameworks\compass\stylesheets\compass ,对我来说$ GEM_LOCATION = C:\dev\Ruby200\lib\ruby\gems\2.0.0\gems\compass-0.12.2

  1. open cmd with admin privileges
  2. change path to your project sass folder, for example cd projectname\sass
  3. run mklink /d compass $GEM_LOCATION\frameworks\compass\stylesheets\compass, as for me $GEM_LOCATION = C:\dev\Ruby200\lib\ruby\gems\2.0.0\gems\compass-0.12.2


Thats all, now PhpStorm will not highlight compass mixins as errors, and will add them in autocomplete suggestions.

打开具有管理员权限的cmd, cd $ yourProjectSassPath ,并运行 rmdir compass

Warning: If you want to delete created symlink DON'T use delete, it will remove source directory.open cmd with admin privileges, cd $yourProjectSassPath, and run rmdir compass

这篇关于如何添加指南针语法支持到Jetbrains PhpStorm?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-24 08:08