I am tasked with moving quite a few web apps including the databases to new servers, they are ASP.NET. I was not the one to create and setup these originally so I must try to figure out what exactly I need to replicate in order to not break anything and so the customers have no idea that anything was moved.
Does anyone have any tips for this, or know any automated ways?
Is there any software that can help with this?
I know the web app sends emails, so I will need to setup SMTP and it connects to a database so that I also will need to move. I suppose I should do this at night and take down the servers so I can move the database at it's latest state...
这可能会有所帮助: IIS 6.0迁移工具
该工具传输配置数据, 网站内容和应用程序 设置到新的IIS 6.0服务器,如果 所需,或者可以仅移动应用程序 使用复制功能进行设置. "
The tool transfers configuration data, Web site content, and application settings to a new IIS 6.0 server if desired, or can move just application settings using the copy functionality. "
I don't think it will help with the database migration, though.
Here's a link to more detailed information about using the tool.