I used to love Reflector back in the day, but ever since RedGate took over it has gone downhill dramatically. Now it forces me to update (which is absolutely ridiculous), half the time the update doesn't go smoothly, and it is increasingly hindering my productivity with each update. I am sick of it, and I am ready for something better. Does anybody know of a better disassembler?
在回答中提到的各种备选方案清单 -
List of various alternatives mentioned in answers -
- ILSpy
- dotPeek
- JustDecompile
- DisSharper
- Mono Cecil
- Kaliro
- Dotnet IL Editor (DILE)
- Common Compiler Infrastructure
另外一起来看看 ILSpy通过SharpDevelop的。它在发展的早期阶段,他们只是做了一个发布在2月24日。这本身工作pretty的对我好。从他们的网站:
Also take a look at ILSpy by SharpDevelop. It's in early stages of development and they just made a release on the 24th of February. That in itself works pretty good for me. From their website:
ILSpy是开源.NET程序集 浏览器和反编译器。
发展红门之后开始 宣布的免费版本 .NET反射器将不再被存在 2011年2月结束。
Development started after Red Gate announced that the free version of .NET Reflector would cease to exist by end of February 2011.
Update: JetBrains has released dotPeek, its free .NET decompiler.
更新2 :同样的Telerik有一个免费的反编译: JustDecompile
Update 2: Telerik also has a free decompiler: JustDecompile.