本文介绍了Maven jar-with-dependencies没有target\classes(构建工件)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想创建一个可执行jar(包含我的代码的所有* .class)。
但是,我不希望Jar在编译期间包含我的src / main / resources路径中的资源。

I want to create an executable jar (with all the *.class of my code in it).However, I don't want the Jar to include the resources that during compilation are in my src/main/resources path.


my project hierarchy is:



我希望我的jar只包含main和依赖项的类,而不是target \classes或inside resources内的资源。

I want my jar to include only the classes of main and the dependencies, not the resources inside target\classes or inside resources.



I am using maven-assembly-plugin, like this:



出于捆绑目的,我通常使用 maven-shade-plugin ,设置如下所述。它将与汇编插件一样工作。

For bundling purpose, I usually used the maven-shade-plugin and the settings are described below. It will work same as assembly plugin.

                                       <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">

在上面的配置中,我排除了 log4j.properties details.properties 来自最终jar,其依赖项名称为 cqm-full.jar

In the above configuration, I've excluded log4j.properties and details.properties from the final jar with dependencies with name cqm-full.jar


使用 mvn install -Pgenerate-调用配置文件shaded-jar

现在来自 src / main / resources 的资源文件不会加入 cqm-full.jar 。如果在没有配置文件 mvn clean install 的情况下调用,您仍然可以查看jar中的资源

Now resource files from src/main/resources won't get added in cqm-full.jar. If invoked without profile mvn clean install, you can still view the resources in the jar

这篇关于Maven jar-with-dependencies没有target\classes(构建工件)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-25 05:29