


I've been using Python's Buildout for a while and I really like it. My company has a lot of systems developed in Perl and I'm wondering if there is something similar to either Python's Buildout or Ruby's RVM available for Perl. My goal is to be able to automate deployments, development environment setup, and manage dependencies.


我必须承认我今天听说过第一次使用您命名的软件,但阅读介绍材料后,Buildout和RVM的目的有所不同。前者的等效项是,后者– 。

I must admit I have heard today the first time about the software you named, but reading the introduction material there is a difference in purpose between Buildout and RVM. An equivalent of the former is Shipwright, of the latter – perlbrew.


07-25 05:21