


I have a data table with several social media users and his/her followers. The original data table has the following format:

1081     4053807021,2476584389,4713715543, ...


So each row contains a user together with his/her ID and a vector of followers (seperated by a comma). In total I have 24,000 unique user IDs together with 160,000,000 unique followers. I wish to convert my original table in the following format:

1:     1081         4053807021
2:     1081         2476584389
3:     1081         4713715543
4:     1081          580410695
5:     1081         4827723557
6:     1081 704326016165142528


In order to get this data table I used the following line of code (assume that my original data table is called dt):

uf <- dt[,list(FOLLOWERS = unlist(strsplit(x = FOLLOWERS, split= ','))), by = X.USERID]


However when I run this code on the entire dataset I get the following error:



According to this post on stack overflow (Negative number of rows in data.table after incorrect use of set ), it seems that I am bumping into the memory limits of the column in data.table. As a workaround, I ran the code in smaller blocks (per 10,000) and this seemed to work.


My question is: if I change my code can I prevent this error from occuring or am I bumping into the limits of R?

PS.我有一台可以使用140gb RAM的计算机,因此物理内存空间不应该成为问题.

PS. I have a machine with 140gb RAM at my disposal, so physical memory space should not be the issue.

> memory.limit()
[1] 147446


当数据集中的行数超过R的2 ^ 32-1的限制时,就会发生此问题. 解决此问题的方法之一是分块(在循环内)读取数据集.看来您的文件是按X.USERID字段排序的,因此您的块(读取文件时)应与唯一关注者的数量重叠,以确保每个用户至少属于一个包含所有关注者的块.处理这些大块的方式在很大程度上取决于您需要对数据进行什么处理.

This problem occurs when the number of rows in your dataset exceeds R's limit of 2^32-1. One of the ways to deal with this problem is to read your dataset in chunks (within a loop).It looks like your file is sorted by X.USERID field, so your chunks (when you read the file) should overlap by the number of unique followers to insure each user belongs to at least one chunk that contains all followers.The way you process this chunks would very much depend on what you need to do with your data.


08-29 05:36