




_clientRequestStream = _tcpClient.GetStream();

var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();


CopyTo takes long long long time to copy a Stream into another Stream. It seems application stops there without any reason or at least I couldn't find the reason.


网络流一直保持打开状态,直到被流的一端关闭为止. CopyTo()复制流中的所有数据,直到流结束.如果服务器未发送数据,则流不会结束或关闭,并且CopyTo()会忠实地等待更多数据或流结束.流另一端的服务器必须关闭流才能使其结束,并返回CopyTo().

A network stream remains open until it is closed by one end of the stream. CopyTo() copies all data from the stream, waiting until the stream ends. If the server is not sending data, the stream does not end or close and CopyTo() dutifully waits for more data or for the stream to end. The server on the other end of the stream must close the stream for it to end and CopyTo() to return.


Google "TcpClient Tutorial" or "TcpCLient Sample" to get some good pages showing other ways you might use them, such as checking NetworkStream.DataAvailable to see if there is data waiting or if the stream is still open with no data. To just read some data and not wait for the stream to close you would use NetworkStream.Read() or wrap it in a StreamReader and use ReadLine(). It all depends on the server you are connecting to and what you are trying to accomplish.


07-25 04:57