

本文介绍了c ++基类包含派生类的实例的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I was wondering if someone could explain to me how I might be able to implement something similar to this:

namespace advanced_cpp_oop
  class A
    B b;

  class B : public A

int main()


Where an instance of a base class can contain an instance of a derived class? When the above code is compiled the following error is generated:

g++ advanced_cpp_oop.cpp
advanced_cpp_oop.cpp:8:5: error: ‘B’ does not name a type


public class AdvancedCppOop
  public static void main(String[] args)
    A a;

class A
  B b;

class B extends A

b $ b





You need to a pointer and a forward declaration:

namespace advanced_cpp_oop
  class B;

  class A
    B* b;

  class B : public A

在您的C ++代码中,您将创建一个 class B 在里面A类,这是不可能的,因为编译器还不知道任何东西(特别是大小) class B 。

In your C++ code, you are creating an instance of your class B inside class A, which is not possible since the compiler does not yet know anything (especially not the size) of class B.

使用我的答案中的代码,您需要动态分配 B 并将其分配给代码中其他位置的 b 指针。

With the code from my answer, you need to dynamically allocate an instance of class B and assign it to the b pointer somewhere else in your code.


On a side note, from design perspective, this does not really make sense since a parent class should not depend on a sub class.

这篇关于c ++基类包含派生类的实例的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-25 04:37