本文介绍了全屏视频背景 - < video> vs YouTube / Vimeo-< iframe&gt ;?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在制作一个具有全屏视频背景的网站,用于标题部分。我希望网站加载和运行尽可能快,流畅,所以我不知道,如果可以麻烦,主页在运行之前加载一个50-100mb的视频(即使它可能会流式传输视频,因为它加载 - 但我不知道这是如何工作)。

I'm making a website that has a fullscreen video background, for the header section. I would like for the site to load and run as fast and smooth as possible, so I don't know if it could be trouble that the homepage has to load a 50-100mb video before running (even though it probably will stream the video, as it loads - but I know nothing about how this works).


My first part of this question is, that I very rarely stumble across video-backgrounds that gets stuck loading. Is that because I'm lucky with the connections I use, or are the people who are making the video backgrounds just smart and somehow compress the video to a small file-size?

这个问题的第二部分是,最好在客户网站上实现这个视频背景的方法是什么?是否使用HTML5 < video> 标记? (在此中找到):

The second part of this question is, which way is the best to implement this video background on my clients website? Is it to use the HTML5 <video> tag? (found in this link):

<video style="width: 1776px; height: 1009px; margin-left: -98px;
margin-top: 0px;" id="videobcg" class="fill" width="1580" height="898"
preload="auto" autoplay="true" loop="loop" muted="muted" volume="0"
  <source src="sites/default/files/videos/basic_home.mp4" type="video/mp4">
  <source src="sites/default/files/videos/basic_home.webm" type="video/webm">
  Sorry, your browser does not support HTML5 video.

...或者是使用YouTube或Vimeo,将它作为< iframe> ?我想真正的问题是,如果我的托管公司(One.com)为我提供更多的带宽比YouTube或Vimeo?

... or is it to use YouTube or Vimeo, by inserting it as an <iframe>? I guess the real question is, if my hosting company (One.com) offer me more bandwidth than YouTube or Vimeo? Or if there's a recommended way out there to do this?


And if a comment can be made about what's better for SEO-purposes, then that would be appreciated as well.



You definitely have to upload your video on Youtube and use a plugin to display it on your site (tubular.js for example), for the following reasons:


1) youtube doesnt need the browser to load the video in full, it is caching small parts, making it accessible nearly immediately


2) youtube scales the resolution of the video to your bandwidth (if you have low bandwidth, the video will display in low quality, but the waiting time to start playing the video will be optimal)


I strongly suggest that you use a plugin such as tubular (http://www.seanmccambridge.com/tubular/)


I have tried many of them, bigvideo, masterslider, etc... but for me tubular is the easiest to integrate, is not buggy, and the most important in my opinion, you can add layers of text/elements/links on top of the video.


You can have a look at the following website that I have done for a customer using tubular : www.avocats-huertas.com

这篇关于全屏视频背景 - &lt; video&gt; vs YouTube / Vimeo-&lt; iframe&gt ;?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-06 15:14