

我有一个用C ++编写的Windows应用程序,并使用Win32-API。我想以编程方式更改我的应用程序的字体平滑,从而允许我的应用程序的用户在无,标准和cleartype之间进行选择。

I have a Windows application written in C++, and using Win32-API. I want to change the font smoothing of my application programmatically, thus allowing the user of my application to choose between "none", "standard", and "cleartype".


I use SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETFONTSMOOTHING, ... ) to change the smoothing type, however this changes the global system settings of Windows, and effects all other applications. Is there any way to change the smoothing for my application alone?

编辑:澄清 - 我在窗口中嵌入另一个窗口,因此我无法控制

Clarification - I'm embedding another window within my window, and thus I have no control over the fonts within the embedded window.




Maybe there's an easier way but one way is to change all the fonts which you paint with, and which all your controls use, to ones with anti-aliasing turned off.


You can use WM_GETFONT and WM_SETFONT to get/set the fonts used by most controls (they both use HFONT object handles).

您可以使用以获取结构,然后调整LOGFONT上的抗锯齿标志,然后通过。 (不要忘记在某个地方销毁字体,在没有控件使用它之后。)

You can use GetObject to get a LOGFONT structure for an HFONT, then adjust the anti-aliasing flags on the LOGFONT, then create a new HFONT via CreateFontIndirect. (Don't forget to destroy the font somewhere, after no control is using it anymore.)

这也值得记住,一些字体可能强制 anti-aliasing或cleartype打开。因此,在编辑LOGFONT结构时,您可能需要更改字体名称以及标志。

It's also worth keeping in mind that some fonts may force anti-aliasing or cleartype to be on. So you may need to change the font name as well as the flags when editing the LOGFONT structure.


08-23 08:02