本文介绍了完整性约束违规:1452 Laravel的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




  public function up()
Schema :: create('users',function($ table){
$ table-> incremental('id' ) - > unsigned();
$ table-> string('email') - > unique();
$ table-> string('password',64);
$ table-> string('first_name',32);
$ table-> string('last_name',32);
$ table-> string('remember_token',100 ) - > nullable();


  public function up()
模式:: create('occasionions',function($ table){
$ table-> ('id') - > unsigned();
$ table-> integer('created_by_user_id') - > unsigned();
$ table-> foreign('created_by_user_id' > references('id') - > on('users');
$ table-> integer('updated_by_user_id') - > unsigned();
$ table-> foreign ('updated_by_user_id') - > references('id') - > on('users');
$ table-> timestamps();
$ table-> string('title ') - > unique();
$ table-> string('slug') - > unique();
$ table->整数('category') - > unsigned ();
$ table-> foreign('category') - > references('id') - > on('occasion_categories');
$ table-> string ',32);
$ table-> string(' model',32) - > nullable();
$ table-> string('type',32) - > nullable();
$ table-> string('body',32) - > nullable();
$ table-> string('color',32);
$ table-> integer('fuel') - > unsigned() - > nullable();
$ table-> foreign('fuel') - > references('id') - > on('occasion_fuels');
$ table-> integer('transmission') - > unsigned() - > nullable();
$ table-> foreign('transmission') - > references('id') - > on('occasion_transmissions');
$ table-> decimal('usage',6,2) - > nullable();
$ table-> integer('engine_capacity') - > unsigned() - > nullable();
$ table-> integer('building_year') - > unsigned() - > nullable();
$ table-> string('sign',8) - > nullable();
$ table-> date('mot') - > nullable();
$ table->整数('几公里) - > nullable();
$ table-> decimal('price',8,2);
$ table-> decimal('action_price',8,2) - >可空();
$ table-> text('description') - > nullable();


'created_by_user_id'=> Auth :: id(),
' updated_by_user_id'=> Auth :: id(),
'title'=> Input :: get('title'),
'slug'=> Str :: slug get('title'),
'category'=> Input :: get('category'),
'brand'=> Input :: get('brand'),
'model'=> Input :: get('model'),
'type'=> Input :: get('type'),
'body'=>输入: :get('body'),
'color'=> Input :: get('color'),
'fuel'=> Input :: get('fuel'),
'transmission'=> Input :: get('transmission'),
'usage'=> Input :: get('usage'),
'engine_capacity'=>输入: :get('engine-capacity'),
'building_year'=> Input :: get('building-year'),
'sign'=> Input :: get sign'),
'mot'=> Input :: get('mot'),
'km'=> Input :: get('km'),
'price '=> Input :: get('price'),
'action_price'=> Input :: get('action-price'),
'description'=> Input :: get ('description')


我在Google上搜索,但大多数人都说我收到这个错误,因为外键不存在, t true,因为当我尝试在PhpMyAdmin中添加相同的值时,它的工作和我插入的用户ID是1,它确实存在。


您的最终sql查询是插入到几个(updated_at,created_at)值(2014-06 -30 18:42:11,2014-06-30 18:42:11)。您应该会看到只有 updated_at created_at 正在插入。


您需要通过添加您的模型中的 $ fillable 列数组:

protected $ fillable = array(


protected $ guarded = array(

请注意,您正在分配 Input :: get )直接进入模型。以下是部分的警告:

I have two tables in laravel created with the following migrations:

User migration:

public function up()
    Schema::create('users', function($table){
        $table->string('password', 64);
        $table->string('first_name', 32);
        $table->string('last_name', 32);
        $table->string('remember_token', 100)->nullable();

Occasion migration:

public function up()
    Schema::create('occasions', function($table){
        $table->string('brand', 32);
        $table->string('model', 32)->nullable();
        $table->string('type', 32)->nullable();
        $table->string('body', 32)->nullable();
        $table->string('color', 32);
        $table->decimal('usage', 6, 2)->nullable();
        $table->string('sign', 8)->nullable();
        $table->decimal('price', 8, 2);
        $table->decimal('action_price', 8, 2)->nullable();

Now when I try to create a Occasion with the following code:


I get the following error:

I searched on Google but most of the people say I get this error because the foreign key does not exists, but that isn't true, because when i try to add the same values in PhpMyAdmin it does work and the user id which i am inserting is 1 and it does exist.


Your final sql query is insert into occasions (updated_at, created_at) values (2014-06-30 18:42:11, 2014-06-30 18:42:11). You should see that only updated_at and created_at is being inserted.

This happens because Laravel protects your code against against Mass Assignment by default:

You'll need to make your columns fillable by adding an array of $fillable columns in your model:

class Occasion extends Eloquent
    protected $fillable = array(
        // The rest of the column names that you want it to be mass-assignable.

Or do the opposite, guard any columns that you don't want them to be mass-assignable:

class Occasion extends Eloquent
    protected $guarded = array(
        // Any columns you don't want to be mass-assignable.
        // Or just empty array if all is mass-assignable.

Note that you are assigning Input::get() into the model directly. Here is a caution from Mass Assignment section:

这篇关于完整性约束违规:1452 Laravel的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-25 04:10