本文介绍了Angular 2/TypeScript:@输入/@输出还是输入/输出?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



While doing a course on Udemy we have been allowing components to be passed data dy using the @Input() decorator in the component class.


While reading through ngBook-2 I have found that there is another approach by using the input property inside an @Component decorator.

THIS 类似的问题在SO上,一个人回答:

THIS similar question on SO, One person answered:



Really, the most useful information about this is mostly conflicting depending on where you look.


  selector: 'product-image',
  inputs: ['product'],
  template: `
  <img class="product-image" [src]="product.imageUrl">

class ProductImage {
  product: Product;


  selector: 'product-image',
  template: `
  <img class="product-image" [src]="product.imageUrl">

class ProductImage {
  @Input() product: Product;


  • 哪种最佳实践"用法更合适?
  • 您何时会使用另一个?
  • 有什么区别吗?


Angular 2样式指南

根据官方 Angular 2样式指南样式05-12


  • 识别类中的哪些属性是输入或输出更容易且更具可读性.
  • 如果您需要重命名与@Input@Output关联的属性或事件名称,则可以在单个位置进行修改.
  • 该指令所附的元数据声明更短,因此更具可读性.
  • 将装饰器放在同一行上可以缩短代码长度,并且仍然可以轻松地将该属性标识为输入或输出.
  • It is easier and more readable to identify which properties in a class are inputs or outputs.
  • If you ever need to rename the property or event name associated with @Input or @Output, you can modify it a single place.
  • The metadata declaration attached to the directive is shorter and thus more readable.
  • Placing the decorator on the same line makes for shorter code and still easily identifies the property as an input or output.

我亲自使用了这种样式,并且非常感谢它有助于使代码保持 DRY .

I've personally used this style and really appreciate it helping keep the code DRY.

这篇关于Angular 2/TypeScript:@输入/@输出还是输入/输出?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-28 08:08