


I am aware that on the net and also here the question has already been asked, but unfortunately not in the Python environment. Looking on the net, I found this (Link) and from there I started working on it. Since I'm using Pyglet, I wrote the function as a thread. But first, I show you what I thought and wanted to accomplish:

P =精灵播放器位置

P = Sprite Player Position

M =鼠标位置

C =一个假想的圆,其半径为P和M之间的距离.

C = An imaginary circle, having as its radius the distance between P and M.

0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7 =精灵可以具有的方向

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 = Directions that the sprite can have

a =一个方向和另一个方向之间的角度= 45°

a = Angle between one direction and another = 45°

S =对应于精灵方向的圆的截面.简而言之,如果M存在于S中,则方向等于1

S = Section of the circle corresponding to the sprite direction. In simple words, if M is present in S, the direction is equal to 1


start, end = Start Angle and End Angle


So, in the function, I inserted a while loop. Later, I had to calculate when the radius was:

while mpc_thread:
    radius = math.hypot(mpx - cpx, mpy - cpy) + 20

mpx,mpy =鼠标位置(X,Y)

mpx, mpy = Mouse position (X, Y)

cpx,cpy =精灵播放器位置(X,Y)

cpx, cpy = Sprite Player Position (X, Y)


I used math.hypot thanks to this (Link). I added 20, so that the radius slightly exceeded the position of the mouse.


Then I added a for loop to check the circle section for each direction:

while mpc_thread:
    radius = math.hypot(mpx - cpx, mpy - cpy) + 20
    for ang_obj in range(0, fchar):
        reference_angle = 360 // fchar * ang_obj
        s_angle = reference_angle - (360 / (fchar / 2))
        e_angle = reference_angle + (360 / (fchar / 2))

fchar = Sprite方向的数量,在这种情况下为8

fchar = Amount of Sprite directions, in this case 8


To find out the starting and ending angle for each direction, I divided the lap angle by twice the number of directions. Then I subtracted / added the result to the reference angle.


From here on the problems started. Writing in the way I posted the first link, the if function didn't detect anything and if I went in negative (, I got an error. I then searched for a solution and found this (Link) from the answer of user7048690. Modified the function, I got a new problem (math domain error). So I changed math.sqrt with cmath.sqrt, and it worked. But a new problem had arisen. That is, always following that answer, the if function drastically reduced FPS to 0/1. Now I don't know where to head. Can you help me with this problem? How should I build the function correctly and work properly? I hope I understood what I meant by my question.



The easiest way to find the best direction is to calculate the cosine of the angle between the line from the player position to the mouse position and the line from the player position to the 8 points.
It has to be found that direction vector which has the smallest angle to the "mouse" direction.The cosine of 0 degrees is 1 and the cosine of 180° is -1. So the direction with the greatest cosine is the direction to be found.

最简单的计算余弦的方法是 dot 产品.

The easiest way to calculate the cosine is the dot product.

通常,两个向量的 dot 乘积等于两个向量之间的角度的 cosine 乘以两个向量的大小(长度).

In general the dot product of 2 vectors is equal the cosine of the angle between the 2 vectors multiplied by the magnitude (length) of both vectors.

dot( A, B ) == | A | * | B | * cos( angle_A_B )

因此,由于一个单位矢量的长度为1,所以两个单位矢量的 dot 乘积等于两个矢量之间的角度的 cosine .

This follows, that the dot product of 2 unit vectors is equal the cosine of the angle between the 2 vectors, because the length of a unit vector is 1.

uA = normalize( A )
uB = normalize( B )
cos( angle_A_B ) == dot( uA, uB )

二维矢量A和 B可以通过2次乘法和1次加法来计算:

The dot product of 2-dimensional vectors A and B can be calculated by 2 multiplications and 1 addition:

dotAB = Ax * Bx + Ay * By


Set up a list with the 8 normalized directions:

dir = [(0, 1), (0.707, 0.707), (1, 0), (0.707, -0.707),
       (0, -1), (-0.707, -0.707), (-1, 0), (-0.707, 0.707)]


Find the "best" direction, this is the direction with the closest angle or the greatest cosine of the angle:

dx, dy = mpx - cpx, mpy - cpy
max_i = max([i for i in range(len(dir))], key = lambda i: dx*dir[i][0] + dy*dir[i][1])


Finally max_i contains the searched direction.

请注意,该算法不会计算和比较角度的余弦,而是会比较余弦和半径的乘积. dx*dir[i][0] + dy*dir[i][1]等价于 radius * cos(alpha) .

Note the algorithm doesn't calculate and compare the cosine of the angles, it compares product of the cosine and the radius. dx*dir[i][0] + dy*dir[i][1] is eqault to radius * cos(alpha).


08-03 23:25