


I'm implementing a 'filter sweep' effect (I don't know if it's called like that). What I do is basically create a low-pass filter and make it 'move' along a certain frequency range.


To calculate the filter cut-off frequency at a given moment I use a user-provided linear function, which yields values between 0 and 1.

我的第一次尝试是将线性函数返回的值直接映射到的范围内。频率,如cf = freqRange * lf(x)。尽管它工作正常,但看起来它在扫过低频时运行得更快,然后在到达高频区的过程中放慢了速度。我不确定为什么会这样,但我想这与人的听觉以非线性方式感知频率变化有关。

My first attempt was to directly map the values returned by the linear function to the range of frequencies, as in cf = freqRange * lf(x). Although it worked ok it looked as if the sweep ran much faster when moving through low frequencies and then slowed down during its way to the high frequency zone. I'm not sure why is this but I guess it's something to do with human hearing perceiving changes in frequency in a non-linear manner.


My next attempt was to move the filter's cut-off frequency in a logarithmic way. It works much better now but I still feel that the filter doesn't move at a constant perceived speed through the range of frequencies.


How should I divide the frequency space to obtain a constant perceived sweep speed?




To mix things up a bit, one option would be to try the Bark scale, which is based on psychoacoustics and the structure of the ear. As I understand it, this is designed to spend equal amounts of time in each of your ear's internal "bandpass filters".


You could always try a quadratic or cubic function between 0 and 1. Audio potentiometers often use a few piecewise quadratic or cubic sections to get their mapping.


08-20 04:29