本文介绍了在32位Open Watcom C中生成FAR跳转指令的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I need to generate a far jump instruction to jump to another ISR(Interrupt Service Routine). I'm developing a 32-bit FreeDOS application.

阅读OW手册( cguide.pdf clr.pdf ),我想出了两种成功编译w/o任何警告或错误.

After reading OW manuals(cguide.pdf and clr.pdf), I figured out two ways that compiled successfully w/o any warning or error.

    /* Code Snippet #1 */

    #pragma aux old08 aborts ;
    void (__interrupt __far *old08)(void);      // function pointer declaration

    void __interrupt __far new08(void) {

           /* Do some processing here ... */

           (*old08)();  /* OW will now generate a jump inst. instead of call*/


The other approach that I figured out is:

      /* Code Snippet #2 */

      static void jumpToOld08(void);
      # pragma aux jumpToOld08 = \
             ".686p"     \
             "                DB      0xEA"  \
             "off_old08       DD      0"     \
             "sel_old08       DW      0"     ;

      void __interrupt __far new08(void){

               /* Do some processing here ... */


      extern unsigned short sel_old08;
      extern unsigned int off_old08;

      sel_old08 = ( __segment )FP_SEG(old08);
      off_old08 = FP_OFF(old08);


Now my question is which of the above two ways is more correct or better? Any ideas or opinions?


Are there any other ways to accomplish this?




Your manually constructed far jump appears correct as far as the instruction itself is concerned, however, I bet, simply jumping (instead of calling) won't remove the stuff previously saved by new08() on the stack at its prologue (and that's potentially a lot of registers, and most importantly, there's also the return address buried to which your old08() has to return to!).


这篇关于在32位Open Watcom C中生成FAR跳转指令的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-03 18:13