


  • Testing firmware
  • starting a microcontroller simulator/emulator
  • Interpreting assembly code

如果你正在写code的是有真正的区别如果你用汇编或C或其他高级语言编写?如果你写C code,你会如何编译它?

If you are writing code for a microcontroller is there a real difference if you write in assembly or C or some other high level language? If you wrote C code, how would you compile it?





1) Absolutely not assembly unless performance or optimization constraints warrant it. The following metrics go through the roof with assembly:

  • 时间code将其

  • 的时间来调试它

  • 的时间来测试它

  • 的时间来记录它

  • 时间找出(1年后),它是什么,你在做当你codeD它

  • 犯错误的几率

2)我的preference是C ++而不是C的命名空间的封装和放大器;其的编译时间的面向对象的做法提供便利。 C有全局变量和命名空间冲突太多的机会。 (实时Java将是很好的,但是从我的理解它的要求仍然是pretty高)

2) My preference would be C++ rather than C for its namespace encapsulation & its facilitation of compile-time object-oriented practices. C has too many opportunities for global variables and namespace collisions. (Real-time Java would be nice but from what I understand its requirements are still pretty high)

或者说C ++的一个子集:排除例外,虚函数,运行时类型识别,也动态内存分配在多数情况下 - 基本上什么剩下的未指定在编译的时候,因为它通常需要大量的额外资源在运行时。这就是C ++的膨胀。

Or rather a subset of C++: Exclude exceptions, virtual functions, run-time type identification, also dynamic memory allocation in most cases -- basically anything that's left unspecified at compile time, as it will usually require a lot of extra resources during runtime. That's the "bloat" of C++.

我都用了TI的和IAR的编译器对于C ++,为(分别)的TMS320和MSP430微控制器以及适当的优化设置,他们这样做减少了开销,你可能期望从C ++的出色的工作。 (特别是如果你来帮它通过明智地使用了在线关键字)

I have used both TI's and IAR's compilers for C++, for the TMS320 and MSP430 microcontrollers (respectively) and with proper optimization settings, they do a fantastic job of reducing the overhead you might expect from C++. (Especially if you help it out by judicious use of the inline keyword)

我有一些能促进良好的code再利用他们的编译时好处,甚至使用的模板:例如写一个单一来源$ C ​​$ C文件处理8位,16位和32位CRC校验;和来允许你指定一个类的通常的行为,然后再利用这一点,但覆盖它的一些功能。此外,TI的编译器有一个非常低的开销适当的优化设置。

I have even used templates for some of their compile-time benefits which promote good code reuse: e.g. writing a single source code file to handle 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit CRCs; and compile-time polymorphism to allow you to specify the usual behavior of a class, and then reuse that but override some of its functions. Again, the TI compiler had an extremely low overhead with appropriate optimization settings.

我一直在寻找一个C ++编译器了Microchip的PIC;我发现的唯一公司,生产一种是IAR。 ($$$一直是一个障碍,但我希望某个时候买一本)Microchip的C18 / C30编译器pretty不错,但他们C,不是C ++。

I have been looking for a C++ compiler for the Microchip PICs; the only company I've found that produces one is IAR. ($$$ has been an obstacle but I hope to buy a copy sometime) The Microchip C18/C30 compilers are pretty good but they're C, not C++.

3)关于编译器优化的具体警告:本品可/会使调试非常困难;通常这是不可能通过优化的C单步/ C ++ code和手表窗口可能表明有什么你觉得他们应该包含未优化code无相关变量。 (一个很好的调试器会提醒你,一个特定变量已经被优化掉的存在,或到寄存器,而不是一个内存位置。很多调试器没有。> :(

3) A specific caveat about compiler optimization: it can/will make debugging very difficult; often it's impossible to single-step through optimized C/C++ code and your watch windows may show variables that have no correlation with what you think they should contain with unoptimized code. (A good debugger would warn you that a particular variable has been optimized out of existence or into a register rather than a memory location. Many debuggers do not. >:(


Also a good compiler would let you pick/choose optimization at the function level through #pragmas. The ones I've used only let you specify optimization at the file level.

4)接口C code到装配:这通常是困难的。最简单的方法是使具有所需例如签名的存根功能 uint16_t富(uint16_t一,uint32_t的B){返回0; } ,其中 uint16_t =无符号短,通常我们作出明确位的#。然后编译和编辑它产生的组件(只需确保离开code的开始/出口部分)和小心不影响任何寄存器没有恢复它们在完成后。

4) Interfacing C code to assembly: This is usually difficult. The easiest way is to make a stub function that has the signature you want e.g. uint16_t foo(uint16_t a, uint32_t b) {return 0; }, where uint16_t = unsigned short, we usually make the # of bits explicit. Then compile it and edit the assembly it produces (just make sure to leave the begin/exit parts of the code) and be careful not to clobber any registers without restoring them after you are done.


Inline assembly usually can have problems unless you are doing something very simple like enabling/disabling interrupts.

我最喜欢的方法是编译器内在函数/扩展ASM语法。 Microchip的C编译器是基于GNU C编译器,它有,它可以让你内联汇编的code位,但你可以给它很多的提示,告诉它哪些寄存器/变量你引用,它会处理所有的保存/寄存器的恢复,以确保您的装配code中扮演好的C.与TI的编译器的TMS320 DSP系列不支持这些;它有一组有限而有一些使用内在函数。

The approach I like best is compiler intrinsics / "extended ASM" syntax. Microchip's C compiler is based on the GNU C compiler and it has "extended ASM" which lets you code bits of inline assembly but you can give it lots of hints to tell it which registers/variables you are referencing and it will handle all the saving/restoring of registers to make sure your assembly code "plays nice" with C. TI's compiler for the TMS320 DSP doesn't support these; it does have a limited set of intrinsics which have some use.


I've used assembly to optimize some control loop code that got executed frequently, or to calculate sin(), cos(), and arctan(). But otherwise I'd stay away from assembly and stick with a high-level language.


08-29 06:34