转换为XSL-FO,然后使用XMLmind导出到Word.有关更多信息,请参见 XMLmind网站.使用一组有限的标签,然后使用DocBook XML随附的样式表之一输出到WordML.尝试使用Jfor输出到RTF,尽管似乎不再维护Jfor.我有自己的一个:如上所述,使用DocBook XML随附的样式表之一发布到XSL-FO,然后运行Apache FOP将XSL-FO转换为RTF.您将丢失结构信息,但是将保留一定数量的格式.I need some help with conversion of DocBook files to Microsoft Word files.Do I need an XSL file for the transformation? 解决方案 Yes, you do need an XSL file. You can get XSL files for DocBook from the free DocBook XML distribution. Then, you run a free XSLT transformer such as Saxon. If you run Saxon from a command line, you give it the name of your DocBook file, and the name of one of the stylesheets, and it will transform your file according to the rules in the stylesheet.What you need to do to transform to Word, is to pick the right stylesheet.From DocBook XSL: The Complete Guide, here are three possibilities:Convert to XSL-FO and then use the XMLmind to export to Word. See the XMLmind website for more information.Use a limited set of tags and then use one of DocBook XML's included stylesheets to output to WordML.Try to use Jfor to output to RTF, although Jfor no longer appears to be maintained.And I have one of my own:As above, use one of DocBook XML's included stylesheets to publish to XSL-FO, then run Apache FOP to convert from XSL-FO to RTF. You will lose the structural information, but you will keep a certain amount of the formatting. 这篇关于DocBook到Word的转换?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-31 07:16