

我正在开发Chrome扩展程序,我希望用户能够添加自己的CSS样式,以更改扩展程序网页(而不是网页)的外观。我研究过使用 document.stylesheets ,但它似乎想要的规则分裂,并不会让你注入一个完整的样式表。有没有一个解决方案,让我使用一个字符串来创建一个新的样式表在页面上?

I'm developing a Chrome extension, and I'd like users to be able to add their own CSS styles to change the appearance of the extension's pages (not web pages). I've looked into using document.stylesheets, but it seems like it wants the rules to be split up, and won't let you inject a complete stylesheet. Is there a solution that would let me use a string to create a new stylesheet on a page?


I'm currently not using jQuery or similar, so pure Javascript solutions would be preferable.



You could create a style element and add the string as the innerHTML. Something like this:

function addStyleString(str) {
    var node = document.createElement('style');
    node.innerHTML = str;

addStyleString('body { color: red }');
addStyleString('body { background: silver }');
// This way allows you to add CSS in multiple passes


(Important edit: Be aware that IE9 and below only allows up to 32 stylesheets, so watch out when using the above snippet. The number was increased to 4095 in IE10.)

如果当用户添加新CSS时,要删除旧样式并添加新样式,则可以将该函数向上切换,以便引用一个节点。 p>

If, when a user adds new CSS, you want to remove the old styles and add the new, you can switch the function up so you have a reference to one node.

(function() {
    var node = document.createElement('style');
    window.addStyleString = function(str) {
        node.innerHTML = str;

addStyleString('body { color: red }');
addStyleString('body { background: silver }');
// This way will remove the old style when the new one is added


08-20 23:45