本文介绍了CSS文件的Rails I18n的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am trying to internationalize my site, and one thing is to use different font-size for different languages. Also some text-images need to be replaced as well.

我认为唯一的方法是在公共文件夹中添加额外的特定于语言环境的 CSS 文件,并根据我认为的语言环境加载它们.这避免了资产管道编译那些特定的 CSS 文件.但我想知道是否有更好的方法来做到这一点?

I think the only way to do this is to have additional locale-specific CSS files in the public folder and load them based on locale in my view. This avoids asset pipeline from compiling those specific CSS files. But I am wonderiing if there a better way to do this?



Your best bet in organization is to have different style sheets specific to localization, then set up a condition in your layout on what style sheets to render based of the locale.


Just only put local specific style, and if you think about it...it shouldn't effect load times that much because I believe you are only changing font sizes.

来自 OP 的更新:


Here is what I have configured to have this working:

  • 我在 app/assets/stylesheets
  • 下创建了一个 locales 目录
  • 我将特定于语言环境的样式表放入其中,例如 fr.sass
  • 我在 layouts/application.html.erb 中设置条件以引用 css 文件:<% if I18n.locale != :en %><%= stylesheet_link_tag "locales/" + I18n.locale.to_s %><%结束%>
  • 我在 config/application.rb
  • 中设置了预编译规则
  • I created a locales directory under app/assets/stylesheets
  • I put locale specific stylesheets inside, such as fr.sass
  • I setup the condition in the layouts/application.html.erb to reference the css files:<% if I18n.locale != :en %> <%= stylesheet_link_tag "locales/" + I18n.locale.to_s %><% end %>
  • I setup the pre-compile rules in config/application.rb

config.assets.precompile += 'locales/*.css'

请注意,我将要编译到 application.css 的资产列入白名单,因此特定于语言环境的样式不会进入 application.css.

Note that I am white-listing the assets I want to compile into application.css, so the locale specific styles will not get into the application.css.

这篇关于CSS文件的Rails I18n的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-15 16:45