

每次加载功能区时,我都在开发Outlook 2010 VSTO加载项(使用VS 2015)我得到了这个错误:

I'm developing an Outlook 2010 VSTO add-in (using VS 2015), every time i load the Ribbon(design) i got this error:

当我启动程序进入调试模式时出现相同的错误我得到相同的错误 但不是这行"Microsoft.Office.Tools.common.implementation" 我得到"Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Hosting"。

the same error appears when i start the program into debug mode i get the same error  but instead of this line "Microsoft.Office.Tools.common.implementation"  i get "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Hosting".

我认为这个参考文献丢失了,如果发给我这个文件(.dll)你会很高兴的与我应该复制它的路径  。

i assume that this references are missing , and it's would be great from you if send me this files (.dll) with the path where to i should copy it  .








您在有问题的机器上安装了什么Office版本?是Office 2010吗?

What Office version do you have installed on the problematic machine? Is it Office 2010?

如果是这样,我建议使用较低的VS版本来开发Office 2010加载项 - VS 2013.  注意,VSTO允许创建特定于版本的加载项。这意味着您可以在Visual
Studio 2015中创建Office 2013和2016特定加载项(VSTO包含在VS +社区的付费版本中)。您是否尝试创建新的加载项项目?您是否收到相同的错误消息?

If so, I'd recommend using a lower VS version for developing Office 2010 add-ins - VS 2013. Note, VSTO allows creating version-specific add-ins. That means you can create Office 2013 and 2016 specific add-ins in Visual Studio 2015 (VSTO is included in paid editions of VS + Community). Did you try to create a new add-in project? Do you get the same error message?

我还建议您为您的机器安装最新更新,请参阅  ;

最后,请确保最新版本的VSTO安装在机器上。只需查看  https://aka.ms/GetLatestOfficeDevTools。

Finally, make sure the latest version of VSTO is installed on the machine. Just check out https://aka.ms/GetLatestOfficeDevTools .


07-25 01:58