




I am reading a binary file into a parsing program. I will need to iterate through the file and look for certain markers so I can split the file up and pass those parts into their respective object’s constructors.

有一个优点将文件作为流保存为MemoryStream或FileStream,还是应将其转换为byte []数组?

Is there an advantage to holding the file as a stream, either MemoryStream or FileStream, or should it be converted into a byte[] array?



A byte [] MemoryStream 将整个文件带入内存。 A MemoryStream 实际上是一个底层字节数组的包装。最好的办法是有两个 FileStream (一个用于输入,一个用于输出)。从输入流读取,寻找用于指示文件在写入当前输出文件时应该分开的模式。

A byte[] or MemoryStream will both require bringing the entire file into memory. A MemoryStream is really a wrapper around an underlying byte array. The best approach is to have two FileStream (one for input and one for output). Read from the input stream looking for the pattern used to indicate the file should be separated while writing to the current output file.

您可能需要考虑包装输入和输出分别在 BinaryReader BinaryWriter 中添加文件。

You may want to consider wrapping the input and output files in a BinaryReader and BinaryWriter respectively if they add value to your scenario.


07-25 01:25