使用 gradle-plugin 3.0.0Gradle 发行版 4.1.0反应原生 0.50Linux Fedora 27
Using gradle-plugin 3.0.0Gradle distribution 4.1.0react-native 0.50Linux fedora 27
应用名称是 u1b.项目结构/proj/mob/rn.common(这是 node_modules 和我所有与 js 相关的东西)/proj/mob/a/u1b -- 是安卓应用所在的位置.
app name is u1b.Project structure/proj/mob/rn.common (this is where node_modules is and all my js related stuff)/proj/mob/a/u1b -- is where the android app is.
项目结构与通常由样板 react-native create app 脚本创建的结构不同(因为我的 node_modules 不仅仅是 Android 应用程序的一个级别).但不清楚这是否是一个问题.
the project structure is different than the one normally created by boiler plate react-native create app script (because my node_modules is not just one level up from the android app).But not clear if this is an issue or not.
我一直在调试模式下使用 react-native 库构建我的 android.现在是时候开始构建发布了.但是我遇到了一个问题
I have been building my android with react-native library, in debug mode.Now its time to start building release.But I am running into a problem
bash gradlew assembleRelease 错误:
bash gradlew assembleRelease errors out :
> Task :app:bundleReleaseJsAndAssets
Scanning folders for symlinks in /home/v/devel/mine/proj/mob/rn.common/node_modules (12ms)
Scanning folders for symlinks in /home/v/devel/mine/proj/mob/rn.common/node_modules (9ms)
Loading dependency graph, done.
warning: the transform cache was reset.
bundle: start
bundle: finish
bundle: Writing bundle output to: /home/v/tmp/u1b/app/intermediates/assets/release/index.android.bundle
bundle: Done writing bundle output
bundle: Copying 18 asset files
bundle: Done copying assets
/home/v/tmp/u1b/app/intermediates/res/merged/release/drawable-mdpi/src_jsapp_img_material_ic_local_library_black_48dp_android_drawablexxhlack_48dp.png: **error: Invalid filename. Unable to add.**
The image file it is looking at is, indeed not there. However I have no idea how that file name is constructed and, why it something is looking for it.
由于错误,我的 gradle.properties 包含一个用于切换到旧 apk 的标志
my gradle.properties contains a flag to switch to old apk due to a bug
# https://github.com/react-community/react-navigation/issues/1976
could somebody shed a light on how the image names are decided and what might be causing the error
I figured out how the offending file name was constructed, and then I was able to mitigate what seemed to be 'too deep of a path for image file'.
Basically the file name below
是文件驻留在我的 javascript 文件夹中的路径的串联(从 node_modules 所在的同一级别开始)
was concatenation of a path where the file resided in my javascript folder (starting from same level where node_modules are )
我的 index.android.js 引用了一个静态图标文件
my index.android.js referes to a static icon file
icon: require('./src/js.app/img/material/ic_local_library_black_48dp/android/drawable-xxhdpi/ic_local_library_black_48dp.png'),
When the bundler constructed that offending file name, It was basically appending elements of the path to the file together, with some 'mangling'. Like removing a dot (so js.app became jsapp)
I just copied that file over to a higher level directory (to reduce the length of the release-constructed file name)And then the release build started working.
违规文件名的长度约为 177 个字符.不知道为什么它会为发布版本带来问题.我怀疑这是 android 工具的限制,而不是 facebook 的问题.我在 buildTools 25.0.3 和 26.0.2 之间来回切换(这也意味着切换 android 插件版本......整个过程花费了相当多的时间).但问题出在任一 buildtools 版本中.
The length of the offending file name was about 177 characters long. Not sure why it created problem for the release build. I suspect this is a limitation of android tools, not facebook's problem. I switched back and forth between buildTools 25.0.3 and 26.0.2 (that also meant switching android plugin versions .. .and that whole thing took quite a bit of time). But the problem was in either of the buildtools versions.
所以我只是认为 js 静态资源(例如图像)的深层目录结构现在是一个问题.所以最好使用较小的目录深度.
So I just figured deep directory structures for js static resource (eg images) is a problem for now. So better use smaller directory depths.
这篇关于assembleRelease 失败,反应原生 0.50的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!