I'm having a little trouble with some Java code I'm trying to compile in Eclipse. I keep getting the following warning...
Access restriction: The type OperatingSystemMXBean is not accessible due to restriction on required library C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\rt.jar
com.sun.management.OperatingSystemMXBean bean = (com.sun.management.OperatingSystemMXBean) java.lang.management.ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean();
I've found ways around this but I'm worried about the restriction warning. This code is for my open source project (CfTracker) and I don't want to work around this restriction if I'm going to be breaking some sort of license agreement. Can anyone help me understand this?
这不是许可协议的问题。只是Eclipse试图保护您不使用不属于官方JDK API的类(而是Oracle / Sun的JVM实现的一部分)。
This is not a problem of license agreements. It is just Eclipse trying to protect you from using classes that are not part of the official JDK API (but rather, part of Oracle/Sun's JVM implementation).
Is there a particular reason that you need to class cast (rather than using the "official" interface java.lang.management.OperatingSystemMXBean)?
如果要确保在预期的MXBean不可用时继续运行应用程序,可以添加一些try / catch逻辑来优雅地处理ClassCastException。
If you want to make sure that your application continues to run when the expected MXBean is not available, you could add some try/catch logic to gracefully handle a ClassCastException.
这篇关于为什么对于OperatingSystemMxBean,访问限制为jre6 / lib / rt.jar?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!