本文介绍了限制对REST API的访问的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用REST API为我的应用程序制作一个PHP后端.

I'm making a PHP backend for my application using REST API.

我想阻止其他人的脚本访问我的API.我想到了使用$ _SERVER ['HTTP_REFERER']来避免它们.但是,在什么情况下HTTP_REFERER无法正常工作?,说我们不能依靠它.

I would like to prevent other's script to access my API. I thought of using $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] to avoid them. But, in what situation does the HTTP_REFERER not work?, says we cant rely on that.


Is there any other way to restrict my API to only my client?


因此,您可以按照Marcin的建议实现HTTP基本身份验证.或者,您可以按照HQarroum的建议实施OAuth.前者更容易实现.对于HTTP BASIC,来自客户端的请求如下所示:

So, you can implement HTTP basic authentication, as suggested by Marcin. Or, you can implement OAuth as suggsted by HQarroum. The former is much easier to implement. For HTTP BASIC, requests from your client look like this:

.. https://用户名:密码 @ yourbackend.host.com/resource/method/foo/bar ..

.. https://username:password@yourbackend.host.com/resource/method/foo/bar ..


Implementing HTTP basic auth is very simple. In Apache, see this. For nginx, see this.


Regarding OAuth, that's a bit more complex of an implementation. If you are looking into OAuth, and you don't have the need for different scopes (levels of authorization to access different levels of data), then you should implement a two-legged OAuth flow. However, I do believe that OAuth may be overkill if you're the only consumer of the protected resources.


I recommend using SSL (https) in all cases.


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07-25 00:39