


Im new with sdkman, but I managed to install it and install some software with it: JDK, Gradle and a few others. The problem is that after I downloaded Eclipse and tried to run it, it just simply can't find the JDK. I have already exported JAVA_HOME, and PATH. In fact, I can actually run java, javac and other Java commands from the terminal, I even tried with update-alternatives. I have changed the ownership of the eclipse folder with no results, Eclipse cannot find the JDK.

我必须使用apt-get安装Java,这使得eclipse可以工作,但是什么使用sdkman?所以我的问题是:我缺少使Eclipse使用sdkman java安装的配置。

I had to install java with apt-get and that makes eclipse work, but whats the of using sdkman? So my question is: What configuration am I missing to make Eclipse use the sdkman java installation.


我遇到了同样的问题,通过在 / usr / bin 中为Java和javac创建符号链接来解决该问题。

I faced the same issue and resolved it by creating a symbolic link in /usr/bin for both java and javac.

sudo ln -s ~/.sdkman/candidates/java/current/bin/javac /usr/bin/javac
sudo ln -s ~/.sdkman/candidates/java/current/bin/java /usr/bin/java


I got these locations by doing

which javac
which java


08-05 03:03