


I wanted to sum individual columns by group and my first thought was to use tapply.However, I cannot get tapply to work. Can tapply be used to sum multiple columns?If not, why not?


I have searched the internet extensively and found numerous similar questions postedas far back as 2008. However, none of those questions have been answered directly.Instead, the responses invariably suggest using a different function.


Below is an example data set for which I wish to sum apples by state, cherries by stateand plums by state. Below that I have compiled numerous alternatives to tapply thatdo work.


At the bottom I show a simple modification to the tapply source code that allowstapply to perform the desired operation.


Nevertheless, perhaps I am overlooking a simple way to perform the desired operationwith tapply. I am not looking for alternative functions, although additional alternatives are welcome.


Given the simplicity of my modification to the tapply source code I wonder why it, orsomething similar, has not already been implemented.


Thank you for any advice. If my question is a duplicate I will be happy to post myquestion as an answer to that other question.


df.1 <- read.table(text = '

    state   county   apples   cherries   plums
       AA        1        1          2       3
       AA        2       10         20      30
       AA        3      100        200     300
       BB        7       -1         -2      -3
       BB        8      -10        -20     -30
       BB        9     -100       -200    -300

', header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)


tapply(df.1, df.1$state, function(x) {colSums(x[,3:5])})


tapply(X, INDEX, FUN = NULL, ..., simplify = TRUE)

X       an atomic object, typically a vector.

我对短语typically a vector感到困惑,这让我怀疑可以使用一个数据帧.我还不清楚atomic object是什么意思.

I was confused by the phrase typically a vector which made me wonder whethera data frame could be used. I have never been clear on what atomic object means.


Here are several alternatives to tapply that do work. The first alternative is a work-around that combines tapply with apply.

apply(df.1[,c(3:5)], 2, function(x) tapply(x, df.1$state, sum))

#    apples cherries plums
# AA    111      222   333
# BB   -111     -222  -333

with(df.1, aggregate(df.1[,3:5], data.frame(state), sum))

#   state apples cherries plums
# 1    AA    111      222   333
# 2    BB   -111     -222  -333

t(sapply(split(df.1[,3:5], df.1$state), colSums))

#    apples cherries plums
# AA    111      222   333
# BB   -111     -222  -333

t(sapply(split(df.1[,3:5], df.1$state), function(x) apply(x, 2, sum)))

#    apples cherries plums
# AA    111      222   333
# BB   -111     -222  -333

aggregate(df.1[,3:5], by=list(df.1$state), sum)

#   Group.1 apples cherries plums
# 1      AA    111      222   333
# 2      BB   -111     -222  -333

by(df.1[,3:5], df.1$state, colSums)

# df.1$state: AA
#   apples cherries    plums
#      111      222      333
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# df.1$state: BB
#   apples cherries    plums
#     -111     -222     -333

     aggregate(x = list(apples   = apples,
                        cherries = cherries,
                        plums    = plums),
               by = list(state   = state),
               FUN = function(x) sum(x)))

#   state apples cherries plums
# 1    AA    111      222   333
# 2    BB   -111     -222  -333

lapply(split(df.1, df.1$state), function(x) {colSums(x[,3:5])} )

# $AA
#   apples cherries    plums
#      111      222      333
# $BB
#   apples cherries    plums
#     -111     -222     -333


Here is the source code for tapply except that I changed the line:

nx <- length(X)


nx <- ifelse(is.vector(X), length(X), dim(X)[1])


This modified version of tapply performs the desired operation:

my.tapply <- function (X, INDEX, FUN = NULL, ..., simplify = TRUE)
    FUN <- if (!is.null(FUN)) match.fun(FUN)
    if (!is.list(INDEX)) INDEX <- list(INDEX)
    nI <- length(INDEX)
    if (!nI) stop("'INDEX' is of length zero")
    namelist <- vector("list", nI)
    names(namelist) <- names(INDEX)
    extent <- integer(nI)
    nx     <- ifelse(is.vector(X), length(X), dim(X)[1])  # replaces nx <- length(X)
    one <- 1L
    group <- rep.int(one, nx) #- to contain the splitting vector
    ngroup <- one
    for (i in seq_along(INDEX)) {
    index <- as.factor(INDEX[[i]])
    if (length(index) != nx)
        stop("arguments must have same length")
    namelist[[i]] <- levels(index)#- all of them, yes !
    extent[i] <- nlevels(index)
    group <- group + ngroup * (as.integer(index) - one)
    ngroup <- ngroup * nlevels(index)
    if (is.null(FUN)) return(group)
    ans <- lapply(X = split(X, group), FUN = FUN, ...)
    index <- as.integer(names(ans))
    if (simplify && all(unlist(lapply(ans, length)) == 1L)) {
    ansmat <- array(dim = extent, dimnames = namelist)
    ans <- unlist(ans, recursive = FALSE)
    } else {
    ansmat <- array(vector("list", prod(extent)),
            dim = extent, dimnames = namelist)
    if(length(index)) {
        names(ans) <- NULL
        ansmat[index] <- ans

my.tapply(df.1$apples, df.1$state, function(x) {sum(x)})

#  AA   BB
# 111 -111

my.tapply(df.1[,3:4] , df.1$state, function(x) {colSums(x)})

# $AA
#   apples cherries
#      111      222
# $BB
#   apples cherries
#     -111     -222



tapply works on a vector, for a data.frame you can use by (which is a wrapper for tapply, take a look at the code):

> by(df.1[,c(3:5)], df.1$state, FUN=colSums)
df.1$state: AA
  apples cherries    plums
     111      222      333
df.1$state: BB
  apples cherries    plums
    -111     -222     -333


07-31 12:35