本文介绍了__attribute __((构造函数))调用顺序混淆的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


答案表明__attribute __((构造函数))不是在静态初始化之后调用,它在声明顺序中被调用。


我在寻找的是一种在共享库中拥有将在所有静态数据初始化并调用静态构造函数后执行的代码。我看到有人推荐__attribute __((构造函数))作为DllMain的替代品;我们可以看到这是错误的,因为一些静态数据可能还没有被初始化。



  g ++ -shared -fPIC source1。 o source2.o MyLastInitChance.o 






我感兴趣的是解决一个特定的问题,或者证明它是不可能解决的问题(至少为什么上面的解决方案不起作用)。 您可能会尝试使用<$ c的链接器脚本$ C> LD 。您可以阅读更多有关 ,但我猜你在找什么是

$ pre code> .ctors:{*(SORT(.ctors))MyLastInitChance.o( (SORT(.dtors))}

位于 SECTIONS {...} 块中。这应该重新安排 .ctors 部分,因此提供的文件将把它的构造函数称为最后一个。显然,如果你觉得自己需要一个解决方案,也可以使用更高级的解决方案;)

提示:编写你自己的链接脚本是很乏味的。使用 ld - verbose 选项,可打印出使用过的链接脚本并对其进行修改。然后使用 -T 开关添加您的链接脚本。

The answer here demonstrates that __attribute__((constructor)) is not called after static initialization, it is called in the declaration order.

Then, what is the purpose of it, if it is not guaranteed to be called when all data is initialized? We could as well have our ((constructor)) code in the Foo constructor.

What I'm looking for is a way to have, in a shared library, a code that will be executed after all static data is initialized and static constructors are called. I saw people recommending __attribute__((constructor)) as a replacement for DllMain; as we can see this is wrong, because some static data may still be not initialized.

Of course in single file (compilation unit) we could arrange statics. But in a typical program there's a lot of files. Is there a way to guarantee that ((constructor)) in one file will be definitely called after all other statics in a shared library are initialized?

If I put a file with static initialization (constructor, object, etc) to the end of the gcc command line:

g++ -shared -fPIC source1.o source2.o MyLastInitChance.o

are this file's static constructors guaranteed to be called last? I experimented and when I change order of source files, printfs' order is changed; but is it specified somewhere and guaranteed to be the same across compilation systems/computers?

For example, a quote:

From what I understand the quote above implies that order of .o files passed to the linker defines order of the static initialization. Am I correct?

Another interesting possible solution, maybe, is to write a GCC plugin that adjusts static initialization (e.g. adds code to .ctors section, etc). But this is just an idea that maybe someone can extend.

One more possible solution is presented here. In short, an external post-build tool can be used to reorder .ctors entries in the executable file (library). But I'm not an expert in ELF format; I wonder if this is possible and easy enough to tweak .so files in this way.

What I'm interested in is solving a particular problem, or proving that it is impossible to solve (at least why the solutions above would not work).


You might try using linker scripts for ld. You can read more about it here, but I guess what you are looking for is

.ctors : { *(SORT(.ctors)) MyLastInitChance.o(SORT(.ctors)) }
.dtors : { *(SORT(.dtors)) MyLastInitChance.o(SORT(.dtors)) }

in SECTIONS{...} block. That should rearrange .ctors sections so file provided will call it's constructors as the last one. Obviously more advanced solutions are also available if you find yorself in need for one;)

HINT: writing your own link-script is tedious. Use ld's --verbose option that prints out used link script and modify it. Then add your linking script using -T switch.

这篇关于__attribute __((构造函数))调用顺序混淆的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-19 22:39