



我正在尝试在不使用 webview 或浏览器的情况下在我的 flutter 应用程序中实现 paypal.我试过flutter_braintree"和braintree_payment"颤振的包.但是这两个包都重定向到 Web 浏览器.那么有什么方法可以像原生android方式一样在flutter中实现paypal.或者我可以在原生 android 上实现它并使用颤振构建它吗?如果答案是肯定的,那么我将如何实现这一目标?

I am trying to implement paypal in my flutter app without using webview or browser. I have tried "flutter_braintree" and "braintree_payment" packages for flutter. But both of this packages redirect to the web browser. So is there any way to implement paypal in flutter like the native android way. Or can I implement it on native android and build it with flutter? If the answer yes, then how am I gonna achieve that?


PayPal 登录应始终为 安全浏览器视图,您可以在其中看到地址栏(Chrome 自定义选项卡或 Safari 视图控制器).这是设计使然,因为其他任何东西都不安全.

The PayPal login should always be a secure browser view where you can see the address bar (Chrome Custom Tabs or Safari View Controller). This is by design, since anything else is not secure.

代替 Braintree SDK 的是一个新的、最近发布的 Native Checkout SDK 你可以看看,但我不知道专门针对颤振的绑定.

In place of the Braintree SDK there is a new, recently released Native Checkout SDK you could have a look at, but I'm not aware of bindings for flutter specifically.


07-24 23:29