I have a form where people can order one single item for a fixed amount of money. Here are the steps:
- 客户填写表格
- 客户匹配项提交并进入审阅页面,他可以在其中检查输入内容
- 评论表中的按钮应为使用Paypal付款的按钮(具有自己的设计和文字的按钮)
- 客户点击此按钮,进入贝宝,进行付款
- 成功付款后,应将其重定向到我网站上的表单,在该表单上可以看到付款结果
- 无论付款成功与否,他都可以从PayPal返回字符串中看到表单应用程序生成的消息
我尝试过,但是我唯一能做的就是他提交表单后登录贝宝,单击继续"按钮,然后重定向到我的网站,他可以在该站点再次查看其订单并需要点击支付". "以再次处理他的订单.
I tried it but the only thing I can do is that after he submits the form he logs into PayPal, hits the "continue" button and is redirected to my site where he can review his order again and needs to hit "Pay" again to get his order processed.
So all I want is that the customer does all the inputs and reviews on my site and after that he hits a "Pay" button in my own style and proceeds to PayPal where he pays the order without getting back to my site until the payment is done. Then he should be redirected to my site and receives the appropriate message.
What kind of PayPal function do I need?Hope this was clear enough. Please let me know if you need further information. Thank you all in advance.
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Paypal Express Checkout is what you are looking for, it will solve your problem