

我正在尝试使用 https://github.com/steves/node-jira阅读问题,但是我遇到了错误

I am trying to read an issue using a https://github.com/steves/node-jira , however I am getting an an error

 401: Unable to connect to JIRA during findIssueStatus.


Here is the code that I am using the code bellow on localhost:8433

var jiraApi = require('jira').JiraApi;

var config = {
    "username": "[email protected]",
    "password": "password",
    "port": 443,
    "host": "company.atlassian.net"

var issueNumber = "ABC-1";

var jira = new jiraApi('https', config.host, config.port, config.username, config.password, '2');
jira.findIssue(issueNumber, function(error, issue) {
    console.log('Status: ' + issue.fields.status.name);


我刚刚找到了jira api库的源并找到了错误消息.显然,无法连接到jira"实际上意味着无法找到问题".

I just found the source to the jira api library and found the error message.Apparently "unable to connect to jira" actually means "unable to find issue".

    # Unable to find issue
    @jira.request.mostRecentCall.args[1] null, statusCode:401, null
        '401: Unable to connect to JIRA during findIssueStatus.')


好的,没关系.我能够用curl击中jira api,发现我的403访问被拒绝.似乎您的登录名必须打开jira api访问权限,所以很可能就是问题所在.因此它可以连接,但是由于您的登录名无权访问,因此您将被踢出局.

okay, never mind that.I was able to hit the jira api with curl and found I was getting a 403 access denied.It would seem that your login has to have the jira api access turned on so probably that's what's wrong.So it is able to connect, but you're getting kicked out because your login has no access.


07-30 20:41