




Square's new card case iOS app has a "Create Account" feature. Tap it and it shows a form PREPOPULATED with the user's entry from the Address book.

这怎么可能?谁知道?我认为这是不可能的,以这种方式获取用户的信息。它不是iOS 5.0的东西,afaict。

How is this possible? Anyone know? I thought this was unpossible, to get the user's info this way. It's not an iOS 5.0 thing, afaict.



the only solution I could come up with was using the device name and then searching the addressbook for a match. this assumes someone would use a particular naming convention. I for example use 'Nik's iPhone' as my device name. I am also the only Nik in my addressbook, so for my scenario is works well to use the text prior to 's as the owner name.

它使用了Erica Sadun的非常方便的ABAddressBook包装器,。
我留下了枚举代码,而不是在0处使用数组索引,因为可能会返回少量匹配,因此您可以展开以向用户提供选择他们的详细信息的选项。虽然不完全匹配方形案例解决方案效果很好。 imho。

It makes use of the very handy wrapper for ABAddressBook by Erica Sadun, ABContactHelper.I've left the enumeration code in instead of using array index at 0 as likely a small number of matches will be returned so you could expand to give the user an option to choose 'their' details. Which whilst not exactly matching the square case solution works well. imho.

NSString *firstname;
NSString *lastname;

NSString *ownerName = [[UIDevice currentDevice] name];

NSRange t = [ownerName rangeOfString:@"'s"];
if (t.location != NSNotFound) {
    ownerName = [ownerName substringToIndex:t.location];

NSArray *matches = [ABContactsHelper contactsMatchingName:ownerName];
if(matches.count == 1){
    for (ABContact *contact in matches){
        firstname = [contact firstname];
        lastname = [contact lastname];



07-24 23:14