


This is a conceptual query regarding system level optimisation. My understanding by reading the NodeJS Documentation is that pipes are handy to perform flow control on streams.


Background: I have microphone stream coming in and I wanted to avoid an extra copy operation to conserve overall system MIPS. I understand that for audio streams this is not a great deal of MIPS being spent even if there was a memcopy under the hood, but I also have an extension planned to stream in camera frames at 30fps and UHD resolution. Making multiple copies of UHD resolution pixel data at 30fps is super inefficient, so needed some advice around this.


var spawn = require('child_process').spawn
var PassThrough = require('stream').PassThrough;

var ps = null;
//var audioStream = new PassThrough;
//var infoStream = new PassThrough;

var start = function() {
    if(ps == null) {
        ps = spawn('rec', ['-b', 16, '--endian', 'little', '-c', 1, '-r', 16000, '-e', 'signed-integer', '-t', 'raw', '-']);
        exports.audioStream = ps.stdout;
        exports.infoStream = ps.stderr;

var stop = function() {
    if(ps) {
        ps = null;

//exports.audioStream = audioStream;
//exports.infoStream = infoStream;
exports.startCapture = start;
exports.stopCapture = stop;


  1. 为了能够执行流控制,source.pipe(dest)是在引擎盖下执行从源内存到目标内存的memcpy还是将内存中的引用传递给目标?
  2. 注释的代码包含PassThrough类的实例化-我目前假设PassThrough也会引起内存复制,因此我要在整个系统中保存一个memcpy操作,因为我在上面的注释中添加了?
  3. 如果我必须在Process和Spawned Child进程之间创建管道(使用child_process.spawn(),如如何在不使用阻塞stdio的情况下将大数据从子进程传输/传输到子进程中的子流? a>),我想肯定会导致memcpy吗?无论如何,有没有要引用而不是复制?
  4. 此行为在不同的操作系统之间是否有所不同?我认为它应该与操作系统无关,但是仍然要问这个问题.
  1. To be able to perform flow control, does the source.pipe(dest) perform a memcpy from the source memory to the destination memory under the hood OR would it pass the reference in memory to the destination?
  2. The commented code contains a PassThrough class instantiation - I am currently assuming the PassThrough causes memcopies as well, and so I am saving one memcpy operation in the entire system because I added in the above comments?
  3. If I had to create a pipe between a Process and a Spawned Child process (using child_process.spawn() as shown in How to transfer/stream big data from/to child processes in node.js without using the blocking stdio?), I presume that definitely results in memcpy? Is there anyway to make that a reference rather than copy?
  4. Does this behaviour differ from OS to OS? I presume it should be OS agnostic, but asking this anyways.


Thanks in advance for your help. It will help my architecture a great deal.


一些URL供参考: https://github.com/nodejs/node/
https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/src /stream_wrap.cc
https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/src /stream_base.cc
https://github.com/libuv/libuv/blob /v1.x/src/unix/stream.c
https://github.com/libuv/libuv/blob /v1.x/src/win/stream.c

some url's for reference: https://github.com/nodejs/node/


i tried writing a complicated / huge explaination based on theese and some other files however i came to the conclusion it would be best to give you a summary of how my experience / reading tells me node internally works:


pipe simply connects streams making it appear as if .on("data", …) is called by .write(…) without anything bloated in between.

现在我们需要将js世界与c ++/c世界分开.
在js中处理数据时,我们使用缓冲区. https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/src /node_buffer.cc

now we need to separate the js world from the c++ / c world.
when dealing with data in js we use buffers. https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/src/node_buffer.cc
they simply represent allocated memory with some candy on top to operate with it.

如果将进程的标准输出连接到某些.on("data", …)侦听器,它将把传入的块复制到Buffer对象中,以在js世界中进一步使用.
在js世界中,您可以使用.pause()等方法(如您在节点Steam api文档中所见),以防止进程吃掉内存,以防传入的数据流比其处理的速度快.

if you connect stdout of a process to some .on("data", …) listener it will copy the incoming chunk into a Buffer object for further usage inside the js world.
inside the js world you have methods like .pause() etc. (as you can see in nodes steam api documentation) to prevent the process to eat memory in case incoming data flows faster than its processed.


connecting stdout of a process and for example an outgoing tcp port through pipe will result in a connection similar to how nginx operates. it will connect theese streams as if they would directly talk to each other by copying incoming data directly to the outgoing stream.


as soon as you pause a stream, node will use internal buffering in case its unable to pause the incoming stream.


so for your scenario you should just do testing.
try to receive data through an incoming stream in node, pause the stream and see what happens.
i'm not sure if node will use internal buffering or if the process you try to run will just halt untill it can continue to send data.
i expect the process to halt untill you continue the stream.


for transfering huge images i recommend transfering them in chunks or to pipe them directly to an outgoing port.


the chunk way would allow you to send the data to multiple clients at once and would keep the memory footprint pretty low.

PS,您应该看一下我刚刚发现的要点: https://gist.github. com/joyrexus/10026630

PS you should take a look at this gist that i just found: https://gist.github.com/joyrexus/10026630
it explains in depth how you can interact with streams


08-24 06:35