本文介绍了哪些 Git 分支模型适合您?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Our company is currently using a simple trunk/release/hotfixes branching model and would like advice on what branching models work best for your company or development process.

  1. 工作流/分支模型


Below are the three main descriptions of this I have seen, but they are partially contradicting each other or don't go far enough to sort out the subsequent issues we've run into (as described below). Thus our team so far defaults to not so great solutions. Are you doing something better?


应该 pull --rebase 还是等待合并回主线直到您的任务完成?就我个人而言,我倾向于合并,因为这保留了任务在哪个基础上开始和完成的直观说明,为此我什至更喜欢 merge --no-ff.然而,它还有其他缺点.许多人还没有意识到合并的有用特性——它不是 可交换(合并一个主题分支到 master 并不意味着将 master 合并到主题分支).

Should one pull --rebase or wait with merging back to the mainline until your task is finished? Personally I lean towards merging since this preserves a visual illustration of on which base a task was started and finished, and I even prefer merge --no-ff for this purpose. It has other drawbacks however. Also many haven't realized the useful property of merging - that it isn't commutative (merging a topic branch into master does not mean merging master into the topic branch).



Sometimes mistakes happen because our procedures don't capture a specific situation with simple rules. For example a fix needed for earlier releases should of course be based sufficiently downstream to be possible to merge upstream into all branches necessary (is the usage of these terms clear enough?). However it happens that a fix makes it into the master before the developer realizes it should have been placed further downstream, and if that is already pushed (even worse, merged or something based on it) then the option remaining is cherry-picking, with its associated perils. What simple rules like such do you use? Also in this is included the awkwardness of one topic branch necessarily excluding other topic branches (assuming they are branched from a common baseline). Developers don't want to finish a feature to start another one feeling like the code they just wrote is not there anymore


在分支之间进行挑选似乎是产生合并冲突的可靠方法,它们永远无法再次合并?在任一分支中在 revert 中应用相同的提交(如何做到这一点?)可能会解决这种情况吗?这是我不敢推动主要基于合并的工作流程的原因之一.

What seems like a sure way to create a merge conflict is to cherry-pick between branches, they can never be merged again? Would applying the same commit in revert (how to do this?) in either branch possibly solve this situation? This is one reason I do not dare to push for a largely merge-based workflow.


我们意识到从主题分支组装完成的集成会很棒,但是我们的开发人员的工作通常没有明确定义(有时就像四处闲逛"一样简单),并且如果某些代码已经进入杂项"" 话题,根据上面的问题,不能再从那里取出来了?您如何定义/批准/毕业/发布主题分支?

We realize that it would be awesome to assemble a finished integration from topic branches, but often work by our developers is not clearly defined (sometimes as simple as "poking around") and if some code has already gone into a "misc" topic, it can not be taken out of there again, according to the question above? How do you work with defining/approving/graduating/releasing your topic branches?


但是我们根本无法保持足够的清晰来管理这个 - 有什么建议吗?集成分支,插图?

But we simply cannot keep things untangled enough to manage this - any suggestions?integration branches, illustrations?


  • What are some good strategies to allow deployed applications to be hotfixable?
  • Workflow description for Git usage for in-house development
  • Git workflow for corporate Linux kernel development
  • How do you maintain development code and production code? (thanks for this PDF!)
  • git releases management
  • Git Cherry-pick vs Merge Workflow
  • How to cherry-pick multiple commits
  • How do you merge selective files with git-merge?
  • How to cherry pick a range of commits and merge into another branch
  • ReinH Git Workflow
  • git workflow for making modifications you’ll never push back to origin
  • Cherry-pick a merge
  • Proper Git workflow for combined OS and Private code?
  • Maintaining Project with Git
  • Why cant Git merge file changes with a modified parent/master.
  • Git branching / rebasing good practices
  • When will "git pull --rebase" get me in to trouble?
  • How are DVCS used in large teams?

另请查看 Plastic SCM 在任务驱动开发上写的内容,如果您不选择塑料,请研究 nvie 的分支模型和他的支持脚本.

Also check out what Plastic SCM writes on task driven development, and if Plastic is not your choice, study nvie's branching model and his supporting scripts.


DVCS 新开发人员需要意识到的最麻烦的功能是关于 发布流程:

The most troubling feature new developers to DVCS need to realize is about the publication process:

  • 您可以导入(获取/拉取)您需要的任何远程存储库
  • 您可以发布(推送)到您想要的任何(裸)存储库


From that, you can respect a few rules to make your questions easier:

  • 只有在没有被推送的情况下才对分支进行 rebase(自上次 rebase 以来没有推送)
  • 仅推送到裸仓库(自 Git1.7 起强制执行)
  • 遵循 Linus 关于变基和合并的建议




each workflow is there to support a release management process, and that is tailored for each project.
What I can add to the workflow you mention is: each developer should not create a feature branch, only a "current dev" branch, because the truth is: the developer often doesn't know what exactly his/her branch will produce: one feature, several (because it ended up being too complex a feature), none (because not ready in time for release), another feature (because the original one had "morphed"),...


Only an "integrator" should established official feature branches on a "central" repo, which can then be fetched by developers to rebase/merge the part of their work that fits that feature.


我喜欢你提到的我的回答("工作流程内部开发的 git 使用说明")

I like my answer you mention ("Workflow description for git usage for in-house development")



for fixes, it can help associating each fix with a ticket from a bug tracking, which helps the developer remember where (i.e. on which branch, i.e. a dedicated branch "for fixes") he/she should commit such modifications.
Then hooks can help protect a central repo against pushes from non-validated bug-fixes or from branches from which one shouldn't push. (no specific solution here, all this need to be adapted to your environment)


Jakub Narębski他的回答,樱桃采摘应该保留在需要的罕见情况下.

As stated by Jakub Narębski in his answer, cherry-picking should be reserved for rare situations where it is required.
If your setup involves a lot of cherry-picking (i.e. "it is not rare"), then something is off.


git revert 应该注意这一点,但这并不理想.

git revert should take care of that, but that is not ideal.



As long as a branch as not yet been pushed everywhere, a developer should reorganize its history of commits (once he/she finally see the development takes a more definitive and stable shape) into:

  • 如果需要,可以创建多个分支(一个由明确标识的功能组成)
  • 一个分支内的一组连贯提交(请参阅修剪 Git 签入)



Integration branches (in a dedicated integration) repo can help the developer to:

  • 在该远程集成分支之上重新构建他/她的开发 (pull --rebase)
  • 本地解决
  • 推动开发到该存储库
  • 与不会导致混乱的集成商核对 ;)

这篇关于哪些 Git 分支模型适合您?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-03 19:54