

这是IEEE 754标准问题。我不完全理解它背后的机制。

This is IEEE 754 standard question. I don't completely understand the mechanics behind it.

public class Gray {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        System.out.println( (float) (2000000000) == (float) (2000000000 + 50));



Because a float can only hold about 7 to 8 significant digits. That is, it doesn't have enough bits to represent the number 2000000050 exactly, so it gets rounded to 2000000000.

具体来说, float 由三部分组成:

Specifically speaking, a float consists of three parts:

  • 符号位(1位)

  • 指数(8位)

  • 有效位数(24位,但只存储23位,因为有效位数的MSB始终为1)


You can think of floating point as the computer's way doing scientific notation, but in binary.

> precision 等于 log(2 ^有效数位数)。这意味着 float 可以保存 log(2 ^ 24)= 7.225 有效数字。

The precision is equal to log(2 ^ number of significand bits). That means a float can hold log(2 ^ 24) = 7.225 significant digits.


The number 2,000,000,050 has 9 significant digits. The calculation above tells us that a 24-bit significand can't hold that many significant digits. The reason why 2,000,000,000 works because there's only 1 significant digit, so it fits in the significand.


To solve the problem, you would use a double since it has a 52-bit significand, which is more than enough to represent every possible 32-bit number.


08-22 21:49