




I'm writing a cross-platform solution in Xamarin, and am about to add a mother project for 3rd-partyu integration (e.g., other Android-parties that want to integrate with my app using intents on Android only).

但是我想保留我现在已经干净的跨平台设置,只需添加带有第3方集成代码的新Android类库即可。但是,我似乎无法在我的第3方集成项目中将自己的BroadcastReceiver包含在主要 Android应用程序项目中。

But I'd like to keep my cross-platform setup that I have now "clean" and simply add a new Android class library with the 3rd-party integration code. However, I cannot seem to get my BroadcastReceiver in my 3rd-party integration project to be included in my "main" android app project.


I've added a reference to the 3rd-party integration project, but that's obviously not sufficient... I could just add my BroadcastReceiver in the main Android-app project instead, and that would be all well I guess, but I'd really like to keep the 3rd-party stuff isolated, since I could very well imaging adding other integration mechanisms in the future for other purposes and would then like to keep those in yet another project too.


Any suggestions? Currently, the 3rd-party project does not even seem to get compiled automatically when compiling the main android-project.



My BroadcastReceiver uses attributes as "recommended";

[BroadcastReceiver(Enabled = true)]
[IntentFilter(new[] { "se.millsys.integration.MyIntegrationIntent" })]
public class IntegrationBroadcastReceiver : BroadcastReceiver
    private static string DEBUG_TAG = "IntegrationBroadcastReceiver";

    public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent)



Assuming this setup:

├── DroidMainApp
│   └── MyBroadcastReceiver (A Project level reference to DroidMainApp)
├── ADifferentApp


  • 创建的Android应用程序模板

  • 包名称的 com.sushihangover.toaster

  • DroidMainApp

    • A template created Android app
    • Package name of com.sushihangover.toaster

      • 创建的Android库项目模板

      • 包含一个C#文件/类

      • BroadcastReceiver是名为 com.sushihangover.toaster.receiver

      • BroadcastReceiver已启用 已导出

      • Template created Android Library Project
      • Contains one C# file/class
      • BroadcastReceiver is named com.sushihangover.toaster.receiver
      • BroadcastReceiver is Enabled and Exported
      [BroadcastReceiver(Name = "com.sushihangover.toaster.receiver", Enabled = true, Exported = true)]
      public class Toaster : BroadcastReceiver
          public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
              Toast.MakeText(context, "Go make some toast", ToastLength.Long).Show();
              Log.Info("SO", "Go make some toast");

      另一个应用程序调用DroidMainApp的 BroadcastReceiver

      • 使用明确的意图

      • A Different App calling DroidMainApp's BroadcastReceiver:

        • Using an Explicit Intent
        • var toasterIntent = new Intent();
          toasterIntent.SetClassName("com.sushihangover.toaster", "com.sushihangover.toaster.receiver");
          var pendingIntent = PendingIntent.GetBroadcast(this, 0, toasterIntent, PendingIntentFlags.CancelCurrent);
          var alarmService = (AlarmManager)GetSystemService(Context.AlarmService);
          alarmService.SetRepeating(AlarmType.Rtc, 1000, 60000, pendingIntent);


07-24 23:03