



我刚刚开始使用VS 2012 RC,而我创造,我打算同时提供基于HTML的用户界面和的WebAPI的编程接口的ASP.NET MVC 4 Web应用程序。

I've just started to use the VS 2012 RC, and I'm creating an ASP.NET MVC 4 web application in which I plan to provide both an HTML-based user interface and a WebApi-based programming interface.

有关我的HTML网页,我有一个控制器和视图,我的每个模型(MVC!),以及路由的作品按照惯例,这样,例如,URL /客户端挂钩到了我的 ClientController 。我的 ClientController 导出控制器

For my HTML website, I have a controller and view for each of my models (MVC!), and the routing works "by convention" so that, for example, the URL /client hooks up to my ClientController. My ClientController derives from Controller.

有关我的API,我将创建一个由 ApiController 派生出新的控制器。我当然希望我的API的网址是类似我的HTML的网址,所以我想在客户端信息可用在 / API /客户端。然而,随着由会展路由,这将意味着,我需要一个名为 ClientController 的ApiController。而且我已经有一个 ClientController 类。

For my API, I will create new controllers that derive from ApiController. I naturally want my API URLs to be similar to my HTML URLs, so I'd like the client info to be available at /api/client. However, with the by-convention routing, that would suggest that I need an ApiController named ClientController. And I already have a ClientController class.


How do I deal with this? Do I need custom routing? Do I put the API classes in different namespace so that I can give them the same name?


Update: this question seems to suggest that a different namespace for my API controllers is all I need: Mix web api controllers and site controllers



All it requires is for the controller classes to be in a different namespace, and all is well.


Using MVC areas would also work (as suggested in gordonml's comment), but this effectively puts the controllers in different namespaces, so it's a more formal way of achieving the same result.


07-24 22:55