本文介绍了yikes 无效的设备签名的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用 arduino isp 对 ATtiny2313 avr 微控制器进行编程.这是问题,当我使用默认保险丝值对 avr 芯片进行编程时,一切正常.但是,我更改了保险丝字节,因为我想使用外部 16 MHz 晶体.当我将 lfuse 值从 0x64 更改为 0xff 时(根据保险丝位的计算),微控制器停止响应.

i am using arduino isp to program a ATtiny2313 avr microcontroller.Here is the probelm,when i was programming the avr chip using the default fuse values, everything worked just fine.But then, i changed the fuse bytes as i wanted to use an external 16 MHz crystal.When i changed the lfuse value from 0x64 to 0xff (as per the calculation of the fuse bits), the microcontroller stopped responding.

现在每次我尝试使用 arduino uno isp 对微控制器进行编程时,我都会收到一条错误消息:avrdude:哎呀!设备签名无效.avrdude:ATtiny2313 的预期签名是 1E 91 0A

Now everytime i try to program the microcontroller using arduino uno isp, i get an error message :avrdude: Yikes! Invalid device signature.avrdude: Expected signature for ATtiny2313 is 1E 91 0A

然后验证后显示的熔断器字节,很奇怪都设置为 0x00 :avrdude: 安全模式: 保险丝正常 (H:00, E:00, L:00)

and then the fuse bytes shown after verification, very strangely are all set to 0x00 :avrdude: safemode: Fuses OK (H:00, E:00, L:00)


i dont understand what the hell is happening and i have spent hours trying to figure out the probelm.


should the 16Mhz crystal be connected to the microcontroller while programming ?



是的.当您更改配置位以使用外部振荡器时,不再使用内部振荡器 - 包括在编程期间.芯片只是停留在复位状态,直到它被提供一个外部时钟信号.当 ISP 试图读出一个值时,它只是看到数据线卡在复位状态 - 这是所有 0x00 值的来源.

Yes. When you change the configuration bits to use the external oscillator, the internal oscillator is no longer utilised - including during programming. The chip is just stuck in reset until it is provided with an external clock signal. When the ISP attempts to read out a value it is just seeing the data line stuck in the reset state - which is where all the 0x00 values are coming from.

将晶体或信号发生器连接到 CLOCKIN 引脚,您应该能够再次与芯片通话.

Hook up the crystal or a signal generator to the CLOCKIN pin and you should be able to talk to the chip again.

这篇关于yikes 无效的设备签名的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-24 22:43