我正在使用带有 Node.js 的 Redis 数据库.使用client.hmset("jobs", "jobId_12345", JSON.stringify(jsonJob))
我存储 JSON 字符串化作业.
I am using a Redis database with Node.js.Usingclient.hmset("jobs", "jobId_12345", JSON.stringify(jsonJob))
I store JSON stringified jobs.
现在我想遍历所有作业并检索作业 ID 和字符串化作业.
Now I want to iterate over all jobs and retrieve both job id and stringified job.
我试过了client.hkeys("jobs", function (err, replies) {}
I triedclient.hkeys("jobs", function (err, replies) {}
but that only retrieves the keys.
我试过了client.hgetall("jobs", function (err, obj) {}
但我不知道如何从 obj 中检索键和值.
I triedclient.hgetall("jobs", function (err, obj) {}
but I don't know how to retrieve both key and value from obj.
Any help is greatly appreciated because I'm stuck.
这就是它的工作原理.下面代码中的 id 是记录 id.
This is how it works.id in the code below is the record id.
redisclient.hgetall(key, function (err, dbset) {
// gather all records
for (id in dbset) {
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