<input type="text" name="pmTo" id="pmTo" onkeyup="offerSuggs('none');" onfocus="showSelect();" onblur="hideSelect();" />
and a dynamically created one (this is all part of an auto suggest program):
$suggString .= '<div name="'.$value.'" id="'.$value.'" class="suggMouseOver" onmouseover="highlightDivs(this);" onmouseout="blurDivs(this);" onclick="fillInput(this);">'.$value.'</div>';
Okay, and then there are the event functions that correspond to the onblur
of the input element and then the onclick
of the div element:
function hideSelect() {
function fillInput(elemName) {
如何让 onclick
在他们单击的元素上正确触发,而 onblur
事件首先隐藏 div,这使得 onclick
没有意义?但是,当文本框失去焦点时,我仍然希望保留建议 div 消失的功能.
How do I get the onclick
to trigger correctly on the element they click on without the onblur
event hiding the div first which makes the onclick
meaningless? I would still like to retain the functionality of the suggestion div disappearing when the textbox loses focus, however.
I think you are short on answers because your question is confusing. Presumably you have an input that, when focussed, shows a list of suggestions based on the characters entered into the input.
如果用户使用光标选择一个项目,那么我想输入的模糊事件在 div 的点击事件之前触发,并且 div 在点击触发之前设置为 display:none,因此错过了分区.
If the user uses the cursor to select an item, then I suppose the blur event of the input fires before the click event of the div and the the div is set to display:none before the click fires, and hence misses the div.
解决方法是在短暂超时后调用 onblur 侦听器,因此:
The fix is to call the onblur listener after a short timeout, so:
<input ... onblur="setTimeout(function(){hideSelect();}, 100);">
Test in a number of browsers, you may need to set the timeout to 200ms or so. It doesn't matter if there's a short, visible delay after the blur event before the suggestions disappear (i.e. a bit too long is better than a bit too short).
Make sure the suggestions don't obscure anything important on the page or users may find them more of a hindrance than a help. :-)
这篇关于似乎一个元素的 onBlur 是“覆盖"的.另一个人的点击的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!