


I have the following Jinja template:

{% set mybool = False %}
{% for thing in things %}
    <div class='indent1'>
            {% if current_user %}
              {% if current_user.username == thing['created_by']['username'] %}
                {% set mybool = True %}
                <li>mybool: {{ mybool }}</li> <!-- prints True -->
                <li><a href='#'>Edit</a></li>
              {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
    <hr />
{% endfor %}

{% if not mybool %}
    <!-- always prints this -->
    <p>mybool is false!</p>
{% else %}
  <p>mybool is true!</p>
{% endif %}

如果在for循环中满足条件,我想将mybool更改为true,以便在下面显示mybool is true!.但是,似乎内部mybool的范围仅限于if语句,因此永远不会设置所需 mybool.

If the condition is met in the for loop, I'd like to change mybool to true so I can display mybool is true! below. However, it looks like the scope of the inner mybool is limited to the if statement, so the desired mybool is never set.

如何设置全局" mybool,以便可以在最后一个if语句中使用它?

How can I set the "global" mybool so I can use it in the last if statement?



I've found some suggestions (only the cached page views correctly), but they don't seem to work. Perhaps they're deprecated in Jinja2...



Solution provided below. I am still curious why the suggestions above do not work though. Does anyone know for sure that they were deprecated?



One way around this limitation is to enable the "do" expression-statement extension and use an array instead of boolean:

{% set exists = [] %}
{% for i in range(5) %}
      {% if True %}
          {% do exists.append(1) %}
      {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if exists %}
    <!-- exists is true -->
{% endif %}

要启用Jinja的"do"表达声明扩展,请执行以下操作:e = jinja2.Environment(extensions=["jinja2.ext.do",])

To enable Jinja's "do" expression-statement extension: e = jinja2.Environment(extensions=["jinja2.ext.do",])


08-24 11:00