根据,搜索API已被弃用 - 但有替代品,一>。这会做你想要的吗?
I want to get all the search results for a particular keyword search on google. I've seen suggestions of scraping, but this seems like a bad idea. I've seen Gems (I plan on using ruby) that do scraping and use the API. I've also seen suggestions of using the API.
Does anyone know the best way to do this right now? The API Is no longer supported and I've seen people report they get unusable data back. Do the Gems help solve this or no?
Thanks in advance.
According to http://code.google.com/apis/websearch/ , the Search API has been deprecated -- but there's a replacement, the Custom Search API. Will that do what you want?
If so, a quick Web search turned up https://github.com/alexreisner/google_custom_search , among other gems.