我的外部CSS文件中有一个这样的课程Good Morning Sir, I am having a problem on using a classes in CSS I have so far searched in the internet but I could not find the answer so I am asking here,I have a class in my external CSS file like this.class{ h1 { color:green; }} 我已正确地将CSS链接到我的HTML5文件使用链接标签I have correctly linked the CSS to my HTML5 file using a link tag<link href="Venture.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"> 但是当我使用标题(h1)标签时,字体没有颜色(绿色) 我试过的: 我在互联网上搜索过。我是自学的,所以我不知道我错过了什么。 我搜索了大约20个网页,没有人给我这个答案, - 很清楚,我们可以在一个外部css文件中创建许多类吗?在每个类中我们可以为不同的标签创建样式吗?But when I use the heading (h1) tags the font has no color (green)What I have tried:I searched in the internet. I am self-learning this so I don't know what am I missing.I have searched about 20 web pages none of them gave me this answer,To make my-self clear, can we create many classes in one external css file and in each class can we create styles for different tags?.class{ h1 { color:green; }}.class1{ h1 { color:blue; }} 如果我使用类,那么如果我使用class1,将显示绿色标题应该显示蓝色标题我该怎么办? 请先帮我这个先生吧! 谢谢你的时间先生!If I use class then green color heading will be displayed if I use class1 blue color heading should be displayed how can I do that?Kindly help me with this sir!Thank you for your time sir!推荐答案我认为你的意思是:I think what you mean to do is the following:h1.class{ color:green;}h1.class1{ color:blue;} 或者你可以简单地做Or you can simply do.class{ color:green;}.class1{ color:blue;} 这不会将你的css限制在h1元素。Which does not limit your css here to just h1 elements.在CSS中声明一个类是一回事 - 然后你需要让你的各种元素成为类的用户。你可以有很多类 - 除非你告诉它,否则元素如何知道要使用哪个类?你需要一个关于如何使用CSS类的好教程。 试试这个(为我工作): CSS教程 [ ^ ]Declaring a class in CSS is one thing - you then need to make your various elements users of the class. You can have many classes - how does an element know which class or classes to use unless you tell it? You need a good tutorial on how CSS classes are used.Try this one (worked for me): CSS Tutorial[^]从 HTML5初学者指南& CSS3 - 为您的第一个网页设置样式 [ ^ ]你会没事的。 这篇关于如何在CSS类中使用标签的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
09-02 19:26