本文介绍了C ++中的迷宫求解算法的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!
I'm writing an algorithm that finds its way through a maze by sticking to a wall and moving in this order: Down - Right - Up - Left until it finds the exit. But, sometimes, it gets stuck in an infinite loop and is unable to continue. I've been trying to figure out what is wrong for hours and I've had no luck. Here's the code
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
const int MazeWidth = 30;
const int MazeHeight = 20;
const char MazeExit = '$';
const char Wall = '#';
const char Free = ' ';
const unsigned char SomeDude = 254;
COORD MazeExitCoords;
COORD StartingPoint;
using namespace std;
char Maze [MazeHeight][MazeWidth];
void FillDaMaze(){
MazeExitCoords.X = MazeWidth - 20;
MazeExitCoords.Y = 2;
StartingPoint.X = 3;
StartingPoint.Y = MazeHeight - 3;
for(int i = 0; i < MazeHeight; i++){
for(int ii = 0; ii < MazeWidth; ii++){
if(i == 0 || i == MazeHeight - 1 || ii == 0 || ii == MazeWidth - 1){
Maze[i][ii] = Wall;
Maze[i][ii] = Free;
if(i == MazeExitCoords.Y && ii == MazeExitCoords.X){
Maze[i][ii] = MazeExit;
else if(i == StartingPoint.Y && ii == StartingPoint.X){
Maze[i][ii] = SomeDude;
void PrintDaMaze(int color){
for(int i = 0; i < MazeHeight; i++){
for(int ii = 0; ii < MazeWidth;ii++){
cout << Maze[i][ii];
cout << endl;
void FindYourWayThroughTheMaze(){
if(Maze[StartingPoint.Y + 1][StartingPoint.X] != Wall && Maze[StartingPoint.Y + 1][StartingPoint.X ] != SomeDude){
else if(Maze[StartingPoint.Y][StartingPoint.X + 1] != Wall && Maze[StartingPoint.Y][StartingPoint.X + 1] != SomeDude){
else if(Maze[StartingPoint.Y - 1][StartingPoint.X] != Wall && Maze[StartingPoint.Y - 1][StartingPoint.X ] != SomeDude){
else if(Maze[StartingPoint.Y][StartingPoint.X - 1] != Wall && Maze[StartingPoint.Y][StartingPoint.X - 1] != SomeDude){
Maze[StartingPoint.Y][StartingPoint.X] = SomeDude;
int main(){
while(StartingPoint.X != MazeExitCoords.X || StartingPoint.Y != MazeExitCoords.Y){
To have a chance in solving it, you must:
- 创建
- 如果第1,第2,第3,...是真实的
已成功找到解决方案 - 如果第1、2、3,...包含错误,则必须回溯并找到另一种方式
- Create a
routine and recursively call itself:- if 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ... are true
has succeeded in finding a solution - if 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ... contains a false, it has to backtrack and find another way
- as您采取行动时需要保持警惕
- 当我们陷入僵局时,我们需要消除不良举动
- 我们可以实现上述目标通过烧掉一个猜测并在错误的情况下将其删除
Here's a crude implementation based on the above concepts:
#include "stdafx.h" #include <stdio.h> const int MazeHeight = 9; const int MazeWidth = 9; char Maze[MazeHeight][MazeWidth + 1] = { "# #######", "# # #", "# ### # #", "# # # #", "# # # ###", "# # # #", "# ### # #", "# # #", "####### #", }; const char Wall = '#'; const char Free = ' '; const char SomeDude = '*'; class COORD { public: int X; int Y; COORD(int x = 0, int y = 0) { X = x, Y = y; } COORD(const COORD &coord) { X = coord.X; Y = coord.Y; } }; COORD StartingPoint(1, 0); COORD EndingPoint(7, 8); void PrintDaMaze() { for (int Y = 0; Y < MazeHeight; Y++) { printf("%s\n", Maze[Y]); } printf("\n"); } bool Solve(int X, int Y) { // Make the move (if it's wrong, we will backtrack later. Maze[Y][X] = SomeDude; // If you want progressive update, uncomment these lines... //PrintDaMaze(); //Sleep(50); // Check if we have reached our goal. if (X == EndingPoint.X && Y == EndingPoint.Y) { return true; } // Recursively search for our goal. if (X > 0 && Maze[Y][X - 1] == Free && Solve(X - 1, Y)) { return true; } if (X < MazeWidth && Maze[Y][X + 1] == Free && Solve(X + 1, Y)) { return true; } if (Y > 0 && Maze[Y - 1][X] == Free && Solve(X, Y - 1)) { return true; } if (Y < MazeHeight && Maze[Y + 1][X] == Free && Solve(X, Y + 1)) { return true; } // Otherwise we need to backtrack and find another solution. Maze[Y][X] = Free; // If you want progressive update, uncomment these lines... //PrintDaMaze(); //Sleep(50); return false; } int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { if (Solve(StartingPoint.X, StartingPoint.Y)) { PrintDaMaze(); } else { printf("Damn\n"); } return 0; }
To illustrate, I have a version of the above in Javascript:
const MazeWidth = 9 const MazeHeight = 9 let Maze = [ "# #######", "# # #", "# ### # #", "# # # #", "# # # ###", "# # # #", "# ### # #", "# # #", "####### #" ].map(line => line.split('')) const Wall = '#' const Free = ' ' const SomeDude = '*' const StartingPoint = [1, 0] const EndingPoint = [7, 8] function PrintDaMaze() { //Maze.forEach(line => console.log(line.join(''))) let txt = Maze.reduce((p, c) => p += c.join('') + '\n', '') let html = txt.replace(/[*]/g, c => '<font color=red>*</font>') $('#mazeOutput').html(html) } async function Solve(X, Y) { // Make the move (if it's wrong, we will backtrack later. Maze[Y][X] = SomeDude; // If you want progressive update, uncomment these lines... PrintDaMaze() await sleep(100) // Check if we have reached our goal. if (X == EndingPoint[0] && Y == EndingPoint[1]) { return true } // Recursively search for our goal. if (X > 0 && Maze[Y][X - 1] == Free && await Solve(X - 1, Y)) { return true } if (X < MazeWidth && Maze[Y][X + 1] == Free && await Solve(X + 1, Y)) { return true } if (Y > 0 && Maze[Y - 1][X] == Free && await Solve(X, Y - 1)) { return true } if (Y < MazeHeight && Maze[Y + 1][X] == Free && await Solve(X, Y + 1)) { return true } // Otherwise we need to backtrack and find another solution. Maze[Y][X] = Free // If you want progressive update, uncomment these lines... PrintDaMaze() await sleep(100) return false } function sleep(ms) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)) } (async function() { if (await Solve(StartingPoint[0], StartingPoint[1])) { console.log("Solved!") PrintDaMaze() } else { console.log("Cannot solve. :-(") } })()
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <pre id="mazeOutput"> </pre>
这篇关于C ++中的迷宫求解算法的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
- if 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ... are true
- 如果第1,第2,第3,...是真实的