I'm writing a tool that's going to be check the health of workstations across a network, and will fix according to the issues it finds. I want to create a log file as the app is running through its tasks / checks on each machine. I just want to get this working on a single machine for now, but in time it will be scanning 100+ machines in one go (Threaded out).
的 什么是创建日志文件的最好方法是什么?的
What is the best way to create a log file?
I was thinking of using a List<string>
to build up the log file in memory and then output it to a file once it had finished.
I'm just thinking there may be a better way of doing this?
I would not use third party libraries, I would log to an xml file.
This is a code sample that do logging to a xml file from different threads:
private static readonly object Locker = new object();
private static XmlDocument _doc = new XmlDocument();
static void Main(string[] args)
if (File.Exists("logs.txt"))
var root = _doc.CreateElement("hosts");
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
new Thread(new ThreadStart(DoSomeWork)).Start();
static void DoSomeWork()
* Here you will build log messages
Log("", "alive");
static void Log(string hostname, string state)
lock (Locker)
var el = (XmlElement)_doc.DocumentElement.AppendChild(_doc.CreateElement("host"));
el.SetAttribute("Hostname", hostname);
el.AppendChild(_doc.CreateElement("State")).InnerText = state;