

拜托,我急需你的帮助。我的电子邮件是[删除] @ [无需知道] .com



代码很多,这就是为什么我没有发布它。实际上我在不同的线程中有5个不同的模块。每个模块正在侦听端口以获取即将到来的连接请求,并检查数据到达这些端口。 1个线程处理TEXT消息,处理并将其分发给客户端。然后另一个线程处理即将到来的文档,然后将其传递给子程序,该子程序将文件写入服务器,等待客户端对doc的请求。但是一旦调用该例程(文档例程),文本消息的线程就会停止运行或处理。这意味着,没有客户可以再进行通信。


Please, I need your help urgently. my email is [deleted]@[no need to know].com
I think my problem should be an issue with thread. I have about five threads running at the same time and all five doing similar processing (i:e Listening on a port, receiving data etc.).

but when 1 of the thread receives data and start processing it, 1 of the thread stops running while the rest are still active and running.

The codes are much that''s why I didnt post it. Actually I have 5 different modules in different threads. each of the module is listening on a port for in coming connection request and also checking the arrival of data on those ports. 1 thread handles TEXT messages, process and distributes it to clients. Then another thread handles in coming documents, then pass it to a subroutine that writes the file on the server pending a clients request for the doc. but as soon as that routine (document routine) is called, the thread for text messages stops running or processing. that means, that no client can communicate any more.

the code is a little bulky, that was why i removed it.




The codes are much that''s why I didnt post it.



the code is a little bulky, that was why i removed it.


It looks yourself are lost in your code. I would (if possible) switch off all the possible noise (for instance you might use conditional compilatio and inspect one element (that is one thread) at time n). This way you may possibly locate the problem.


08-20 06:37