After reviewing various sources of information about boxing and unboxing, I revised the original simple code.
The form code:
Public Class Form1
Dim TestCL As New C_Test1
Dim jObj As New Object
Private Sub Form1_Load() Handles MyBase.Load
' first test using a simple variable
jObj = CType(100, Object)
MsgBox("First pass Test: Using a simple variable" & vbCrLf & _
"Original value = " & CType(TestCL.GetItem, Short))
jObj = CType(299, Object)
MsgBox("Second pass Test: Using a simple variable" & vbCrLf & _
"Revised value = " & CType(TestCL.GetItem, Short))
End Sub
End Class
The class is as before
Public Class C_Test1
Dim mItem As Object
Public Sub SetItem(ByRef jitem As Object)
mItem = jitem
End Sub
Public Function GetItem() As Object
Return mItem
End Function
End Class
Even after forcinging the conversion of the variable jObj to an object type (
jObj = CType(100, Object)
),该类仍将其视为整数.我在从Visual Studio运行程序并在逐步执行过程中观察lcoals窗口中的变量类型时观察到了这一点.在第二遍将变量jObj更改为"299"时,该类返回的值不会更改.
), the class still sees this as an integer. I observed this in running the program from Visual Studio and observing the variable type in the lcoals window while stepping through the execution. The value returned by the class does not change when the variable jObj is changed to "299" on the second pass.
So, then I tried another approach. I added 2 texboxes and a button to the form. This allows me to input the original value (that gets assigend to the class) and a second input. Both are assigned to jObj.
Private Sub TextBox1_Leave(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.Leave
Dim tmp As Short = CShort(TextBox1.Text)
jObj = CType(tmp, Object)
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox2_Leave(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox2.Leave
Dim tmp As Short = CShort(TextBox1.Text)
jObj = CType(tmp, Object)
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
MsgBox("class return value = " & TestCL.GetItem)
End Sub
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc188935.aspx [ ^ ]
The results are the same as before. When jObj is changed to "299", the class does not changed the value of mItem. In fact, single stepping through the program, the class does not report this as an object, but merely a refernce to a short with a value of 100. This basically occurs in both cases tested.
How do we get a pointer to an item on the stack? In old VB6 this was doable and I know it is doable in C. How is it done in VB.NET?
One of the inormation sources was: